Publication 536 - Net Operating Losses (Nols) For Individuals, Estates, And Trusts - 2005 Page 7


If you filed your return timely but did not file
Carryback/ Unused
taxpayer with a carryback from 2005 to 2003,
the statement with it, you must file the statement
you must file Form 1045 on or after the date you
with an amended return for the NOL year within
file your tax return for 2005, but no later than
2002 . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 months of the due date of your original return
January 2, 2007.
2003 . . . . . . . . . . . .
(excluding extensions). Enter “Filed pursuant to
section 301.9100-2” at the top of the statement.
Form 1040X. If you do not file Form 1045, you
2004 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Once you elect to waive the carryback pe-
2005 (NOL year) . . . .
can file Form 1040X to get a refund of tax be-
riod, it is irrevocable. If you choose to waive the
2006 . . . . . . . . . . . .
cause of an NOL carryback. File Form 1040X
carryback period for more than one NOL, you
2007 . . . . . . . . . . . .
within 3 years after the due date, including ex-
must make a separate choice and attach a sepa-
2008 . . . . . . . . . . . .
tensions, for filing the return for the NOL year.
2009 . . . . . . . . . . . .
rate statement for each NOL year.
For example, if you are a calendar year taxpayer
2010 . . . . . . . . . . . .
– 0 –
and filed your 2002 return by the April 15, 2003,
If you do not file this statement on
due date, you must file a claim for refund of 2000
time, you cannot waive the carryback
tax because of an NOL carryback from 2002 by
April 17, 2006.
How To Claim
Attach a computation of your NOL using
How To Carry an NOL Back
Schedule A (Form 1045) and, if it applies, your
or Forward
an NOL Deduction
NOL carryover using Schedule B (Form 1045),
discussed later.
If you choose to carry back the NOL, you must
If you have not already carried the NOL to an
first carry the entire NOL to the earliest car-
earlier year, your NOL deduction is the total
Refiguring your tax. To refigure your total tax
ryback year. If your NOL is not used up, you can
NOL. If you carried the NOL to an earlier year,
liability for a carryback year, first refigure your
carry the rest to the next earliest carryback year,
your NOL deduction is the NOL minus the
adjusted gross income for that year. (On Form
and so on.
amount you used in the earlier year or years.
1045, use lines 10 through 11 and the After
If you do not use up the NOL in the carryback
If you carry more than one NOL to the same
carryback column for the applicable carryback
years, carry forward what remains of it to the 20
year, your NOL deduction is the total of these
year.) Use your adjusted gross income after
tax years following the NOL year. Start by carry-
carrybacks and carryovers.
applying the NOL deduction to refigure income
ing it to the first tax year after the NOL year. If
or deduction items that are based on, or limited
you do not use it up, carry the unused part to the
NOL more than taxable income. If your NOL
to, a percentage of your adjusted gross income.
next year. Continue to carry any unused part of
is more than the taxable income of the year you
Refigure the following items.
the NOL forward until the NOL is used up or you
carry it to (figured before deducting the NOL),
complete the 20-year carryforward period.
you generally will have an NOL carryover to the
1. The special allowance for passive activity
next year. See How To Figure an NOL Carry-
losses from rental real estate activities.
Example 1. You started your business as a
over, later, to determine how much NOL you
sole proprietor in 2005 and had a $42,000 NOL
2. Taxable social security and tier 1 railroad
have used and how much you carry to the next
for the year. No part of the NOL qualifies for the
retirement benefits.
3-year or 5-year carryback. You begin using
3. IRA deductions.
your NOL in 2003, the second year before the
Deducting a Carryback
NOL year, as shown in the following chart.
4. Excludable savings bond interest.
If you carry back your NOL, you can use either
5. Excludable employer-provided adoption
Carryback/ Unused
Form 1045 or Form 1040X. You can get your
refund faster by using Form 1045, but you have
6. Student loan interest deduction.
2003 . . . . . . . . . . . .
a shorter time to file it. You can use Form 1045
to apply an NOL to all carryback years. If you
7. Tuition and fees deduction.
2004 . . . . . . . . . . . .
use Form 1040X, you must use a separate Form
If more than one of these items apply,
2005 (NOL year) . . . .
1040X for each carryback year to which you
refigure them in the order listed above, using
2006 . . . . . . . . . . . .
apply the NOL.
2007 . . . . . . . . . . . .
your adjusted gross income after applying the
Estates and trusts not filing Form 1045 must
2008 . . . . . . . . . . . .
NOL deduction and any previous item. (Enter
file an amended Form 1041 (instead of Form
2009 . . . . . . . . . . . .
your NOL deduction on Form 1045, line 10. On
1040X) for each carryback year to which NOLs
2010 . . . . . . . . . . . .
– 0 –
line 11, using the “After carryback” column,
are applied. Use a copy of the appropriate year’s
enter your adjusted gross income after applying
Form 1041, check the Amended return box, and
If your loss were larger, you could carry it
the above refigured items but without the NOL
follow the Form 1041 instructions for amended
forward until the year 2025. If you still had an
returns. Include the NOL deduction with other
unused 2005 carryforward after the year 2025,
Next, refigure your taxable income. (On
deductions not subject to the 2% limit (line 15a).
you could not deduct it.
Also, see the special procedures for filing an
Form 1045, use lines 12 through 15 and the
Example 2. Assume the same facts as in
amended return due to an NOL carryback, ex-
“After carryback” column.) Use your refigured
Example 1, except that $4,000 of the NOL is
plained under Form 1040X, later.
adjusted gross income (Form 1045, line 11, us-
attributable to a casualty loss and this loss quali-
ing the “After carryback” column) to refigure cer-
Form 1045. You can apply for a quick refund
fies for a 3-year carryback period. You begin
tain deductions and other items that are based
by filing Form 1045. This form results in a tenta-
using the $4,000 in 2002. As shown in the fol-
on or limited to a percentage of your adjusted
tive adjustment of tax in the carryback year. See
lowing chart, $3,000 of this NOL is used in 2002.
gross income. Refigure the following items.
the Form 1045 illustrated at the end of this dis-
The remaining $1,000 is carried to 2003 with the
The itemized deduction for medical ex-
$38,000 NOL that you must begin using in 2003.
If the IRS refunds or credits an amount to you
from Form 1045 and later determines that the
The itemized deduction for sales taxes if
refund or credit is too much, the IRS may assess
you figured this deduction using the sales
and collect the excess immediately.
tax tables (for carrybacks to 2004).
Generally, you must file Form 1045 on or
after the date you file your tax return for the NOL
The itemized deduction for casualty
year, but not later than one year after the NOL
year. If the last day of the year falls on a Satur-
Miscellaneous itemized deductions subject
day, Sunday, or holiday, the form will be consid-
to the 2% limit.
ered timely if postmarked on the next business
day. For example, if you are a calendar year
The overall limit on itemized deductions.
Page 7


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