Publication 536 - Net Operating Losses (Nols) For Individuals, Estates, And Trusts - 2005 Page 3


Nonbusiness income (line 7). Enter on
lion or less during the 3-year period ending with
Net loss from business (gross
the tax year of the NOL. If the business did not
line 7 only income that is not related to your
income of $67,000 minus expenses
exist for this entire 3-year period, use the period
trade or business or your employment. For ex-
of $72,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
the business was in existence.
ample, enter your annuity income, dividends,
Net short-term capital loss
and interest on investments. Also, include your
on sale of stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Farming loss. The carryback period for a
share of nonbusiness income from partnerships
Standard deduction . . . . . . . . . . .
farming loss is 5 years. A farming loss is the
and S corporations.
Personal exemption . . . . . . . . . . .
smaller of:
Glenn’s total deductions
Do not include on line 7 the income you
receive from your trade or business or your
1. The amount which would be the NOL for
Glenn’s deductions exceed his income by
employment. This includes salaries and wages,
the tax year if only income and deductions
$10,550 ($14,200 − $3,650). However, to figure
attributable to farming businesses were
self-employment income, and your share of
whether he has an NOL, certain deductions are
taken into account, or
business income from partnerships and S cor-
not allowed. He uses Schedule A (Form 1045) to
porations. Also, do not include rental income or
figure his NOL. See the illustrated Schedule A
2. The NOL for the tax year.
ordinary gain from the sale or other disposition
(Form 1045), later.
of business real estate or depreciable business
The following items are not allowed on
Farming business. A farming business is a
Schedule A (Form 1045).
trade or business involving cultivation of land,
raising or harvesting of any agricultural or horti-
Nonbusiness net short-term capital
cultural commodity, operating a nursery or sod
Adjustment for section 1202 exclusion (line
loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000
farm, raising or harvesting of trees bearing fruit,
17). Enter on line 17 any gain you excluded
Nonbusiness deductions
nuts, or other crops, or ornamental trees. The
under section 1202 on the sale or exchange of
(standard deduction, $5,000) minus
raising, shearing, feeding, caring for, training
qualified small business stock.
nonbusiness income (interest, $425) . .
and management of animals is also considered
Deduction for personal exemption . . . .
a farming business.
Adjustments for capital losses (lines 19 – 22).
Total adjustments to net loss
A farming business does not include contract
The amount deductible for capital losses is lim-
harvesting of an agricultural or horticultural com-
ited based on whether the losses are business
modity grown or raised by someone else. It also
Therefore, Glenn’s NOL for 2005 is figured
does not include a business in which you merely
capital losses or nonbusiness capital losses.
as follows:
buy or sell plants or animals grown or raised by
Nonbusiness capital losses. You can de-
someone else.
duct your nonbusiness capital losses (line 2)
Glenn’s total 2005 income . . . . . . .
Waiving the 5-year carryback. You can
only up to the amount of your nonbusiness capi-
choose to treat a farming loss as if it were not a
Glenn’s original 2005
tal gains without regard to any section 1202
farming loss. If you make this choice, the car-
total deductions . . . . . . $14,200
exclusion (line 3). If your nonbusiness capital
ryback period will be 2 years. To make this
Reduced by the
losses are more than your nonbusiness capital
disallowed items . . . . . . − 8,775
− 5,425
choice, attach a statement to your 2005 income
gains without regard to any section 1202 exclu-
Glenn’s NOL for 2005 . . . . . . . . . .
tax return filed on or before the due date (includ-
sion, you cannot deduct the excess.
ing extensions) that you are choosing to treat
Business capital losses. You can deduct
any 2005 farming losses as if they were not
your business capital losses (line 11) only up to
farming losses under section 172(i)(3) of the
the total of:
Internal Revenue Code. If you do not make this
When To Use an NOL
election on your timely filed return, you have
Your nonbusiness capital gains that are
until 6 months after the due date of the return
Generally, if you have an NOL for a tax year
more than the total of your nonbusiness
(excluding extensions) to make the choice by
ending in 2005, you must carry back the entire
capital losses and excess nonbusiness
filing an amended return. Attach a statement to
amount of the NOL to the 2 tax years before the
deductions (line 10), and
your amended return and write “Filed pursuant
NOL year (the carryback period), and then carry
to section 301.9100-2” at the top of the state-
Your total business capital gains without
forward any remaining NOL for up to 20 years
ment. Send your amended return to the same
regard to any section 1202 exclusion (line
after the NOL year (the carryforward period).
address that you filed your original return. Once
You can, however, choose not to carry back an
you make this choice, it is irrevocable.
NOL and only carry it forward. See Waiving the
Carryback Period, later. You cannot deduct any
Note. If you choose not to carry back any of
NOLs from other years (line 23). You cannot
part of the NOL remaining after the 20-year
your farming loss, you need to attach a state-
deduct any NOL carryovers or carrybacks from
carryforward period.
ment to your 2005 income tax return clearly
other years. Enter the total amount of your NOL
identifying what carryback or carrybacks are be-
deduction for losses from other years.
NOL year. This is the year in which the NOL
ing completely waived and stating that you are
waiving them under sections 172(b)(3) and
Illustrated Schedule A (Form
172(i)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This
Exceptions to 2-Year
choice, once made, is also irrevocable. See
Carryback Rule
Waiving the Carryback Period, next.
The following example illustrates how to figure
an NOL. It includes filled-in pages 1 and 2 of
Eligible losses and farming losses, defined be-
Waiving the Carryback
Form 1040 and Schedule A (Form 1045).
low, qualify for longer carryback periods.
Eligible loss. The carryback period for eligible
Example. Glenn Johnson is in the retail re-
You can choose not to carry back your NOL. If
losses is 3 years. An eligible loss is any part of
cord business. He is single and has the following
you make this choice, then you can use your
an NOL that:
income and deductions on his Form 1040 for
NOL only in the 20-year carryforward period.
Is from a casualty or theft, or
(This choice means you also choose not to carry
back any alternative tax NOL.)
Is attributable to a Presidentially declared
disaster for a qualified small business.
To make this choice, attach a statement to
Wages from part-time job . . . . . . . .
your original return filed by the due date (includ-
Interest on savings . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Qualified small business. A qualified small
ing extensions) for the NOL year. This statement
Net long-term capital gain on sale of
business is a sole proprietorship or a partner-
must show that you are choosing to waive the
real estate used in business . . . . . . .
ship that has average annual gross receipts
carryback period under section 172(b)(3) of the
Glenn’s total income
(reduced by returns and allowances) of $5 mil-
Internal Revenue Code.
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