Form Ct-185 - Cooperative Agricultural Corporation Franchise Tax Return - New York Department Of Taxation And Finance - 1999


New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
Cooperative Agricultural Corporation
Franchise Tax Return
Tax Law — Article 9, Section 185
For calendar year
Employer identification number
File number
Check box if
For office use only
overpayment claimed
Legal name of corporation
Trade name/DBA
Date received
State or country of incorporation
Mailing name (if different from legal name) and address
Number and street or PO box
Date of incorporation
ZIP code
Foreign corporations: date began
business in NYS
Audit use
If your name, employer identification number, address, or owner/officer information has changed, you must
Business telephone number
file Form DTF-95 (see instructions). If you need Form DTF-95, call 1 800 462-8100 to request one. From
areas outside the U.S. and outside Canada, call (518) 485-6800.
NAICS business code number (see instructions)
Principal business activity
Payment enclosed
A. Payment — pay amount shown on line 13. Make check payable to: New York State Corporation Tax
....... Attach your payment here.
Computation of tax
1 Value of issued capital stock
(amount from line 19, line 20, or line 21, whichever is largest)
2 New York base
(multiply line 1 by ________ %, from line 30)
3 Tax on allocated issued capital stock at one mill
(multiply line 2 by .001)
4 Tax (based on dividend rate) from line 45 ....................................................................................................
10 00
5 Minimum tax ..................................................................................................................................................
6 Tax due
(amount from line 3, 4, or 5, whichever is largest; authorized foreign corps see instructions) ..........................
7 Tax credits: Check forms filed and attach forms
(see instructions)
8 Total tax
(subtract line 7 from line 6)
9 Prior payments ..............................................................................................................................................
10 Balance
........................................................................... 10
(if line 9 is less than line 8, subtract line 9 from line 8)
11 Interest on late payment
..................................................................................................... 11
(see instructions)
12 Late filing and late payment penalties
................................................................................ 12
(see instructions)
13 Balance due
................................................. 13
(add lines 10, 11, and 12; enter payment here and on line A above)
14 Overpayment
.................................................................. 14
(if line 8 is less than line 9, subtract line 8 from line 9)
15 Amount of overpayment to be credited to next period .................................................................................. 15
16 Amount of overpayment to be refunded
............................................................ 16
(subtract line 15 from line 14)
Schedule A — Assets and liabilities (use end of year values only)
End of year values
17 Total assets from your federal balance sheet ........................................................................................ 17
18 Total liabilities from your federal balance sheet ..................................................................................... 18
19 Net value of assets
.................................................................................... 19
(subtract line 18 from line 17)
Certification. I certify that this return and any attachments are to the best of my knowledge and belief true, correct, and complete.
Signature of elected officer or authorized person
Official title
Firm’s name
ID number
(or yours if self-employed)
Signature of individual preparing this return
File Form CT-185 on or before March 15, 2000. Mail this form to: NYS CORPORATION TAX, PROCESSING UNIT, PO BOX 22038, ALBANY NY 12201-2038.
Private delivery services: See Private delivery services on the front page of the instructions for this form.
Attach a copy of your federal return.


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