Form 1040-Es (Nr) - Estimated Tax Payment Voucher 2011 Page 2

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A maximum credit for residential
expenses for qualified tuition programs
We do not send notices reminding
energy property costs of $50 for any
(section 529 plans).
you to make your estimated tax
advanced main air circulating fan; $150
Exemption from alternative minimum
payments. You must make each
for any qualified natural gas, propane, or
tax treatment for certain tax-exempt
payment by the due date.
oil furnace or hot water boiler; and $300
If you mail your payment in the United
for any item of energy-efficient
States and it is postmarked by the due
building property.
date, the date of the U.S. postmark is
How To Figure Your
Adoption credit or exclusion. The
considered the date of the payment. If
your payments are late or you did not pay
maximum adoption credit or exclusion for
Estimated Tax
enough, you may be charged a penalty
employer-provided adoption benefits has
You will need:
for underpaying your tax. See When a
increased to $13,360. In order to claim
The 2011 Estimated Tax Worksheet on
Penalty Is Applied on page 3.
either the credit or exclusion, your AGI
page 6.
must be less than $225,210.
If you want, you can make more
The Instructions for the 2011 Estimated
Temporary decrease in employee’s
than four estimated tax payments.
Tax Worksheet on pages 3 and 4.
share of payroll tax. Social security tax
To do so, make a copy of one of
The 2011 Tax Rate Schedules on page
will be withheld from an employee’s
your unused estimated tax payment
4 for your filing status.*
wages at the rate of 4.2% (down from
vouchers, fill it in, and mail it with your
Your 2010 tax return and instructions to
6.2%) up to the social security wage limit
payment. If you make more than four
use as a guide to figuring your income,
of $106,800. There will be no change to
payments, to avoid a penalty make sure
deductions, and credits (but be sure to
Medicare withholding.
the total of the amounts you pay during a
consider the items listed under What’s
payment period is at least as much as the
The same reduction applies to net
New that begins on page 1).
amount required to be paid by the due
earnings from self-employment — the
* If you are married, you generally
date for that period. For other payment
temporary rate will be 10.4% (down from
must use Tax Rate Schedule Y. For
methods, see Pay Electronically
12.4%) up to the social security wage limit
exceptions, see Pub. 519, U.S. Tax Guide
on page 3.
of $106,800. The method of figuring
for Aliens, chapter 5.
No income subject to estimated tax
“one-half of self-employment tax” for
during first payment period. If, after
adjusted gross income will change
Matching estimated tax payments to
March 31, 2011, you have a large change
slightly, and a worksheet is provided (see
income. If you receive your income
in income, deductions, additional taxes, or
line 1 instructions).
unevenly throughout the year (for
credits that requires you to start making
example, because you operate your
Increase in additional tax on certain
estimated tax payments, you should
business on a seasonal basis or you have
distributions not used for qualified
figure the amount of your estimated tax
a large capital gain late in the year), you
medical expenses. The tax on
payments by using the annualized income
may be able to lower or eliminate the
distributions from health savings accounts
installment method, explained in chapter
amount of your required estimated tax
(HSAs) and Archer MSAs made after
2 of Pub. 505. If you use the annualized
payment for one or more periods by using
December 31, 2010, that are not used for
income installment method, file Form
the annualized income installment
qualified medical expenses is increased
2210, Underpayment of Estimated Tax by
method. See chapter 2 of Pub. 505 for
to 20%.
Individuals, Estates, and Trusts, including
Health coverage tax credit (HCTC).
Schedule AI, with your 2011 tax return
Changing your estimated tax. To
Beginning after February 12, 2011, the
even if no penalty is owed.
amend or correct your estimated tax, see
credit has decreased to 65% (from 80%)
Farmers and fishermen. If at least
How To Amend Estimated Tax Payments
for amounts paid for qualified health
two-thirds of your gross income for 2010
on page 3.
insurance coverage for you, your spouse,
or 2011 is from farming or fishing, you
and other qualifying family members.
can do one of the following.
You cannot make joint estimated
Self-employment tax. Line 11 has been
Pay all of your estimated tax by
tax payments if you or your
added to the Estimated Tax Worksheet
January 17, 2012.
spouse is a nonresident alien, you
for your self-employment tax.
File your 2011 Form 1040NR by March
are separated under a decree of divorce
1, 2012, and pay the total tax due. In this
or separate maintenance, or you and your
case, 2011 estimated tax payments are
spouse have different tax years.
not required to avoid a penalty.
Roth IRAs. If you rolled over or
converted part or all of another retirement
Payment Due Dates
Fiscal year taxpayers. You are on a
plan to a Roth IRA in 2010, or made an
fiscal year if your 12-month tax period
If you have wages subject to U.S. income
in-plan rollover to a designated Roth
ends on any day except December 31.
tax withholding, you can pay all of your
account after September 27, 2010, and
Due dates for fiscal year taxpayers are
estimated tax by April 18, 2011, or in four
did not elect to include the resulting
the 15th day of the 4th (if applicable), 6th,
equal amounts by the dates shown below.
taxable amount in income for 2010, you
and 9th months of your current fiscal year
must report half of that taxable amount on
and the 1st month of the following fiscal
1st payment . . . . . . . Apr. 18, 2011
your 2011 return and the other half on
year. If any payment date falls on a
2nd payment . . . . . . . Jun. 15, 2011
your 2012 return. See the instructions for
Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, use
3rd payment . . . . . . . Sep. 15, 2011
Form 8606 for more information.
the next business day.
4th payment . . . . . . . Jan. 17, 2012*
Self-employment tax. Be sure to deduct
Name Change
one-half of your self-employment tax in
* You do not have to make the payment due January
17, 2012, if you file your 2011 Form 1040NR or
figuring your AGI.
If you changed your name because of
1040NR-EZ by January 31, 2012, and pay the entire
marriage, divorce, etc., and you made
Expiring Tax Benefits
balance due with your return.
estimated tax payments using your former
The following benefits are scheduled to
name, attach a statement to the front of
If you do not have wages subject to
expire or have been repealed and will not
your 2011 income tax return. On the
U.S. income tax withholding, you can pay
be available for 2011.
statement, show all of the estimated tax
all of your estimated tax by June 15,
payments you made for 2011 and the
Self-employed health insurance
2011, or you can pay it in three
name and identifying number under which
deduction when figuring
installments. If you pay the tax in three
you made the payments.
self-employment tax.
installments, 1/2 is due by June 15, 2011,
Computer technology and equipment
1/4 is due by September 15, 2011, and
If your identifying number is a social
allowed as qualified higher education
1/4 is due by January 17, 2012.
security number, be sure to report the


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