Irs Publication 524 - Credit For The Elderly Or The Disabled - 2009 Page 3


However, if you and your spouse did not live in the same
gainful activity because of your physical or mental condi-
household at any time during the tax year, you can file
tion. A physician must certify that the condition has lasted
either joint or separate returns and still take the credit.
or can be expected to last continuously for 12 months or
more, or that the condition can be expected to result in
Head of household. You can file as head of household
death. See
Physician’s statement,
and qualify to take the credit, even if your spouse lived with
you during the first 6 months of the year, if you meet all the
Substantial gainful activity. Substantial gainful activ-
following tests.
ity is the performance of significant duties over a reasona-
ble period of time while working for pay or profit, or in work
1. You file a separate return.
generally done for pay or profit. Full-time work (or part-time
2. You paid more than half the cost of keeping up your
work done at your employer’s convenience) in a competi-
home during the tax year.
tive work situation for at least the minimum wage conclu-
sively shows that you are able to engage in substantial
3. Your spouse did not live in your home at any time
gainful activity.
during the last 6 months of the tax year and the
Substantial gainful activity is not work you do to take
absence was not temporary. (See Temporary ab-
care of yourself or your home. It is not unpaid work on
sences in Publication 501.)
hobbies, institutional therapy or training, school attend-
4. Your home was the main home of your child,
ance, clubs, social programs, and similar activities. How-
stepchild, or an eligible foster child for more than half
ever, doing this kind of work may show that you are able to
the year. An eligible foster child is a child placed with
engage in substantial gainful activity.
you by an authorized placement agency or by judg-
The fact that you have not worked for some time is not,
ment, decree, or other order of any court of compe-
of itself, conclusive evidence that you cannot engage in
tent jurisdiction.
substantial gainful activity.
5. You can claim an exemption for that child, or you
The following examples illustrate the tests of substantial
cannot claim the exemption only because the non-
gainful activity.
custodial parent can claim the child using the rules
for children of divorced or separated parents.
Example 1. Trisha, a sales clerk, retired on disability.
She is 53 years old and now works as a full-time babysitter
For more information, see Publication 501, Exemptions,
for the minimum wage. Even though Trisha is doing differ-
Standard Deduction, and Filing Information.
ent work, she is able to do the duties of her new job in a
full-time competitive work situation for the minimum wage.
Under Age 65
She cannot take the credit because she is able to engage
in substantial gainful activity.
If you are under age 65 at the end of 2009, you can qualify
for the credit only if you are retired on permanent and total
Example 2. Tom, a bookkeeper, retired on disability.
disability (discussed next) and have taxable disability in-
He is 59 years old and now drives a truck for a charitable
come (discussed later under
income.). You are
organization. He sets his own hours and is not paid. Duties
retired on permanent and total disability if:
of this nature generally are performed for pay or profit.
You were permanently and totally disabled when you
Some weeks he works 10 hours, and some weeks he
retired, and
works 40 hours. Over the year he averages 20 hours a
week. The kind of work and his average hours a week
You retired on disability before the close of the tax
conclusively show that Tom is able to engage in substan-
tial gainful activity. This is true even though Tom is not paid
and he sets his own hours. He cannot take the credit.
Even if you do not retire formally, you may be considered
retired on disability when you have stopped working be-
Example 3. John, who retired on disability, took a job
cause of your disability.
with a former employer on a trial basis. The purpose of the
If you retired on disability before 1977, and were not
job was to see if John could do the work. The trial period
permanently and totally disabled at the time, you can
lasted for 6 months during which John was paid the mini-
qualify for the credit if you were permanently and totally
disabled on January 1, 1976, or January 1, 1977.
mum wage. Because of John’s disability, he was assigned
only light duties of a nonproductive “make-work” nature.
You are considered to be under age 65 at the end
The activity was gainful because John was paid at least the
of 2009 if you were born after January 1, 1945.
minimum wage. But the activity was not substantial be-
cause his duties were nonproductive. These facts do not,
by themselves, show that John is able to engage in sub-
stantial gainful activity.
Permanent and total disability. You are permanently
and totally disabled if you cannot engage in any substantial
Publication 524 (2009)
Page 3


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