Instructions For Form 8621 December 2011 Page 8


line of their tax return. However,
same format shown on lines 8 through
through 10e and complete lines 10f and
Regulated Investment Companies, for
9c. Then:
purposes of section 851(b), should treat
Enter “multiple” on lines 8a, 8b, and
If the holding period of the applicable
this amount as a dividend.
stock began in the current tax year, the
Enter your net ordinary gains on line
line 10a amount is taxed according to
If a CFC makes a mark-to-market
8c (do not enter any net losses on line
the rules of section 301. To the extent
election with respect to a PFIC in which
that section 301(c)(1) is applicable,
it owns stock, any line 5c gain is treated
Enter your net ordinary losses on line
include the amount as a dividend on
as foreign personal holding company
your income tax return. For
income and any line 7 loss is treated as
Enter your net “other” losses on line
corporations, include this amount on
a deduction that is allocable to foreign
Form 1120, Schedule C, line 13. For
personal holding company income.
For more information relating to
individuals, include this line 10a amount
Lines 8 through 9c
mark-to-market elections under section
on Form 1040, line 9a (and, if
1296, see Regulations sections
applicable, on Schedule B (Form 1040),
Complete lines 8 through 9c if you sold
1.1296-1 and 1.1296-2.
line 5).
or otherwise disposed of any section
Line 10c
1296 stock during the tax year. For
purposes of lines 8 through 9c, “section
Part IV. Distributions
Divide the amount on line 10b by 3. If
1296 stock” is any stock for which the
the number of tax years in your holding
From and Dispositions
taxpayer has made a mark-to-market
period preceding the current tax year is
election pursuant to section 1296(a),
less than 3, divide the amount on line
of Stock of a Section
which is in effect for the tax year and
10b by that number.
for which the coordination rule of
1291 Fund
Line 10e
Regulations section 1.1296-1(i) does
See Section 1291 Fund on page 2 for
not apply.
Nonexcess distribution. The
the definition of section 1291 fund. See
Line 8c. If the fair market value of the
nonexcess distribution is the lesser of
page 2 for a brief summary of the tax
line 10a or line 10d. This amount is
stock on the date of sale or disposition
consequences for shareholders of a
taxed according to the rules of section
(line 8a) is more than the U.S. person’s
section 1291 fund.
301. To the extent that section
adjusted basis in the stock on the date
Complete a separate Part IV for
of sale or disposition (line 8b), the line
301(c)(1) is applicable, include the
each excess distribution. That is, if you
8c excess is a gain and is treated as
amount as a dividend on your income
receive a distribution from a section
ordinary income. Corporations and
tax return. For corporations, include this
1291 fund with respect to shares for
individuals should include the gain on
amount on Form 1120, Schedule C,
which you have different holding
line 13. For individuals, include this
the “other income” line of their tax
periods, complete lines 10a through
amount on Form 1040, line 9a (and, if
returns. Other entities should include
10e separately for each block of shares
applicable, on Schedule B (Form 1040),
this amount on the comparable line of
that has the same holding period
line 5).
their tax return.
(“applicable stock”). If you dispose of
Excess distributions. If you received
If the adjusted basis of the stock
stock in a section 1291 fund for which
more than one distribution during the
(line 8b) exceeds its fair market value
you have different holding periods,
tax year with respect to the applicable
(line 8a), the excess is a loss and is
complete line 10f for each block of
stock, the excess distribution is
entered on line 8c as such.
shares that has the same holding
apportioned among all actual
Furthermore, the filer must complete
distributions. Each apportioned amount
lines 9a and 9b, and, if applicable, line
Line 10
is treated as a separate excess
Line 9a. Enter any unreversed
Lines 10a and 10b
Line 10f
inclusions with respect to the stock (see
Enter your total distributions from the
definition above).
Gain recognized on the disposition of
section 1291 fund with respect to the
stock of a section 1291 fund is treated
Line 9b. Enter the loss from line 8c,
applicable stock for the periods
as an excess distribution. Stock of a
but only to the extent of unreversed
section 1291 fund is considered
inclusions on line 9a. This loss is
Note. A distribution to a corporation
disposed of if it is sold, transferred, or
treated as ordinary loss. Corporations
claiming the foreign tax credit for
and individuals should include the loss
deemed paid foreign taxes includes
on the “other income” line of their tax
Line 11
foreign taxes deemed paid. See Form
returns. Other entities should include
1118, Foreign Tax
this amount on the comparable line of
Lines 11a and 11b
Credits – Corporations, Schedule C,
their tax return. However, Regulated
Part I, column 10, and Parts II and III,
Determine the taxation of the excess
Investment Companies, for purposes of
column 8, for the gross-up amount.
distribution on a separate sheet and
section 851(b), should treat this amount
attach it to Form 8621. Divide the
Line 10a. If the holding period of the
as a dividend.
amount on line 10e or 10f, whichever
applicable stock began in the current
Line 9c. Enter the amount by which
applies, by the number of days in your
year, there is no excess distribution and
the loss on line 8c exceeds the
holding period. The holding period of
Part IV should be completed as follows:
unreversed inclusions. This amount is
the stock is treated as ending on the
Enter on line 10a the total distributions
subject to the rules generally applicable
date of the distribution or disposition.
you received from the section 1291
to losses provided elsewhere in the
fund with respect to that stock during
Special rules apply to the holding
Code and regulations thereunder. See
the current tax year. If you did not
period if:
Regulations section 1.1296-1(c)(4)(ii).
dispose of that stock during the tax
The deemed dividend election
Multiple dispositions. In the case of
year, do not complete the rest of Part
(Election C) is made. See the
multiple dispositions, attach a
IV. If you did dispose of that stock
instructions for Election C beginning on
statement for each disposition using the
during the tax year, skip lines 10b
page 4.


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