Instructions For Form 8621 December 2011 Page 6


Coordination of other
Also attach to Form 8621 the
provided that the foreign corporation
mark-to-market rules under chapter
information specified below.
was a CFC during its last taxable year
1 of the Code with section 1291.
as a PFIC.
See Regulations section 1.1291-1(c)(4).
Special Rules
The shareholder must attach a
statement to Form 8621 that shows the
A shareholder making this election is
G. Deemed Dividend Election
calculation of its pro rata share of the
treated as receiving a dividend of its
With Respect To a “Section
post-1986 earnings and profits of the
pro rata share of the post-1986
section 1297(e) PFIC (as defined in
earnings and profits (defined below) of
1297(e) PFIC”
Regulations section 1.1291-9(j)(2)(v))
the former PFIC on the termination date
that is treated as distributed to the
(defined below). The deemed dividend
Who May Make the Election
shareholder on the CFC qualification
is taxed under section 1291 as an
This is a deemed dividend election
date. The post-1986 earnings and
excess distribution, allocated only to the
under section 1298(b)(1) and
profits may be reduced (but not below
days in the shareholder’s holding period
Regulations section 1.1297-3(c). This
zero) by the amount that the
during which the foreign corporation
election may be made by a shareholder
shareholder satisfactorily shows was
qualified as a PFIC. For this purpose,
that is a U.S. shareholder (as defined in
previously included in its income or in
the shareholder’s holding period ends
section 951(b)) of a foreign corporation
the income of another U.S. person. The
on the termination date. After the
that is a CFC and that is not treated as
shareholder shows this by including in
deemed dividend election, the
a PFIC with respect to the U.S.
the statement mentioned above the
shareholder’s stock is not treated as
shareholder under section 1297(d).
following information:
stock in a PFIC.
Special Rules
The CFC qualification date, as
For purposes of this election, the
defined in Regulations section
following rules apply:
A shareholder making this election is
1.1297-3(d), for the Section 1297(e)
The basis of the shareholder’s stock
treated as receiving a dividend of its
is increased by the amount of the
pro rata share of the post-1986
The beginning and ending dates of
earnings and profits (defined below) of
deemed dividend. The manner in which
the taxable year of the shareholder in
the Section 1297(e) PFIC on the CFC
the basis adjustment is made depends
which the CFC qualification date falls
qualification date (defined below). The
on whether the shareholder is a direct
(i.e., the election year).
deemed dividend is taxed under section
or indirect shareholder (as defined
The shareholder’s pro rata share of
1291 as an excess distribution,
below). See Regulations section
the post-1986 earning and profits of the
allocated only to the days in the
Section 1297(e) PFIC that is treated as
For purposes of the PFIC rules only,
shareholder’s holding period during
distributed to the shareholder on the
which the foreign corporation qualified
the shareholder’s new holding period
CFC qualification date, including a
as a PFIC. For this purpose, the
begins on the day following the
schedule that shows the calculation of
shareholder’s holding period ends on
termination date.
this amount as required under
the day before the CFC qualification
When To Make the Election
Regulations section 1.1297-3(c)(5)(ii).
date. After the deemed dividend
In addition, if the shareholder filed a
This election must be made by the due
election, the shareholder’s stock is not
Form 5471 for the Section 1297(e)
date of the shareholder’s original tax
treated as stock in a PFIC.
PFIC for the election year, attach
return (or by filing an amended return
For purposes of this election, the
Schedule J (Form 5471).
within 3 years of the due date, as
following rules apply:
The name, address, and identifying
extended under section 6081, of the
The basis of the shareholder’s stock
number of the U.S. person and the
original return) for the tax year that
is increased by the amount of the
amount that was included in income.
includes the first day on which the
deemed dividend. The manner in which
The tax year in which the amount
qualified portion of the shareholder’s
the basis adjustment is made depends
was previously included in income.
holding period in the PFIC begins, as
on whether the shareholder is a direct
A description of the transaction in
determined under section 1297(d).
or indirect shareholder (as defined
which the shareholder acquired the
However see Form 8621-A (and
below). See Regulations section
stock of the Section 1297(e) PFIC from
Regulations section 1.1298-3(e)) if the
the other U.S. person.
3-year period has expired.
For purposes of the PFIC rules only,
The provision of law under which the
the shareholder’s new holding period
How To Make the Election
shareholder’s holding period includes
begins on the CFC qualification date.
the holding period of the other U.S.
To make this election, check box H in
When To Make the Election
Part I and complete Part IV, line 11.
Also attach to Form 8621 the
This election must be made by the due
For more information on making
information specified below.
date of the shareholder’s original tax
election G, see Regulations section
return (or by filing an amended return
within 3 years of the due date, as
H. Deemed Dividend Election
The shareholder must attach a
extended under section 6081, of the
statement to Form 8621 that shows the
original return) for the tax year that
With Respect To a Former
calculation of its pro rata share of the
includes the first day on which the
post-1986 earnings and profits of the
qualified portion of the shareholder’s
former PFIC that is treated as
holding period in the PFIC begins, as
Who May Make the Election
distributed to the shareholder on the
determined under section 1297(d).
This is a deemed dividend election
termination date. The post-1986
However see Form 8621-A (and
under section 1298(b)(1) and
earnings and profits may be reduced
Regulations section 1.1297-3(e)) if the
Regulations section 1.1298-3(c). This
(but not below zero) by the amount that
3-year period has expired.
election may be made by a shareholder
the shareholder satisfactorily shows
How To Make the Election
of a foreign corporation that no longer
was previously included in its income or
To make this election, check box G in
qualifies as a PFIC under either the
in the income of another U.S. person.
Part I and complete Part IV, line 11.
income or asset test of section 1297(a)
The shareholder shows this by


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