Instructions For Form 8621 December 2011 Page 4


Annual Election Requirements
B. Deemed Sale Election in
C. Deemed Dividend Election
of the PFIC or Intermediary
in Connection with a QEF
Connection with a QEF
PFIC Annual Information Statement.
For each year of the PFIC ending in a
Who May Make the Election
Who May Make the Election
taxable year of a shareholder to which
the section 1295 election applies, the
This is a deemed dividend election
This is a deemed sale election under
PFIC must provide the shareholders
under section 1291(d)(2)(B). This
section 1291(d)(2)(A). This election
with a PFIC Annual Information
election may be made by a U.S. person
may be made by a U.S. person that
Statement. The statement must contain
that elects to treat a PFIC that is also a
elects to treat a PFIC as a QEF for a
certain information, including:
CFC as a QEF for the foreign
foreign corporation’s tax year following
corporation’s tax year following its first
1. The shareholder’s pro rata share
its first tax year as a PFIC included in
tax year as a PFIC included in the
of the PFIC’s ordinary earnings and net
the shareholder’s holding period (an
shareholder’s holding period (an
capital gain for that taxable year or
unpedigreed QEF). A shareholder
unpedigreed QEF).
2. Sufficient information to enable
making this election is deemed to have
A shareholder making this election
the shareholder to calculate its pro rata
sold the PFIC stock as of the first day
is treated as receiving a dividend of its
share of the PFIC’s ordinary earnings
of the PFIC’s first tax year as a QEF
pro rata share of the post-1986
and net capital gain for that taxable
(the qualification date) for its fair market
earnings and profits (defined below) of
year. For other information required to
the PFIC on the qualification date
be included in the PFIC Annual
(defined under the instructions for
Information Statement see Regulations
Special Rules
Election B above). The deemed
section 1.1295-1(g).
dividend is taxed as an excess
For purposes of this election, the
distribution, allocated only to the days
following apply.
Annual Intermediary Statement. If
in the shareholder’s holding period
The gain from the deemed sale is
the shareholder holds stock in a PFIC
during which the foreign corporation
taxed as an excess distribution
through an intermediary, an Annual
qualified as a PFIC. For this purpose,
received on the qualification date.
Intermediary Statement may be issued
the shareholder’s holding period ends
in lieu of the PFIC Annual Information
The basis of the stock is increased
on the day before the qualification date.
Statement. For the definition of an
by the gain recognized. The manner in
Special Rules
intermediary, see Regulations section
which the basis adjustment is made
For purposes of this election, the
1.1295-1(j). For details on the
depends on whether the shareholder is
following apply.
information that should be included in
a direct or indirect shareholder. See
The term “post-1986 earnings and
the Annual Intermediary Statement, see
Regulations section 1.1291-10(f).
profits” means the undistributed
Regulations section 1.1295-1(g)(3).
The new holding period of the stock
earnings and profits of the PFIC (as of
begins on the qualification date.
Combined statements. A PFIC that
the day before the qualification date)
The election may be made for stock
owns directly or indirectly any shares of
accumulated in tax years beginning
on which the shareholder will realize a
after 1986 during which the CFC was a
stock in one or more PFICs may
loss, but that loss cannot be
PFIC and while the shareholder held
provide its shareholders with a PFIC
recognized. In addition, there is no
the stock.
Annual Information Statement in which
basis adjustment for a loss.
The basis of the shareholder’s stock
it combines its own required information
is increased by the amount of the
and representations with the
After the deemed sale, the PFIC
deemed dividend. The manner in which
information and representations of any
becomes a pedigreed QEF with respect
the basis adjustment is made depends
lower-tier PFIC. Similarly, an
to the shareholder.
on whether the shareholder is a direct
intermediary through which a
or indirect shareholder. See
shareholder indirectly holds stock in
When To Make the Election
Regulations section 1.1291-9(f).
more than one PFIC may provide the
The shareholder’s holding period
This election must be made by the due
shareholder a combined Annual
(solely for purposes of applying the
date, including extensions, of the
Intermediary Statement. For more
PFIC rules after the deemed dividend
shareholder’s original tax return (or by
information, see Regulations section
election) begins on the qualification
filing an amended return within 3 years
of the due date of the original return) for
Documentation. For all taxable years
the tax year that includes the
When To Make the Election
qualification date.
subject to the section 1295 election, the
This election must be made by the due
shareholder must keep copies of all
date (including extensions) of the
Forms 8621, attachments, and all PFIC
How To Make the Election
shareholder’s original tax return (or by
Annual Information Statements or
filing an amended return within 3 years
To make this election:
Annual Intermediary Statements.
of the due date of the original return) for
1. Check box B in Part I,
Failure to produce these documents at
the tax year that includes the
the request of the IRS may result in
2. Enter the gain or loss on line 10f
qualification date.
invalidation or termination of the section
of Part IV, and
How To Make the Election
1295 election. See Regulations section
3. If a gain is entered, complete line
1.1295-1(f)(2)(ii). In rare and unusual
To make this election:
11 to report the tax and interest due on
circumstances, the IRS will consider
1. Check box C in Part I,
the excess distribution.
requests for alternative documentation
2. Enter the dividend on line 10e of
to verify the ordinary earnings and net
Part IV as an excess distribution, and
For more information regarding
capital gain of the PFIC. For more
3. Complete line 11 to figure the tax
making Election B, see Regulations
information, see Regulations section
and interest due on the excess
section 1.1291-10.


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