Instructions For Form 8621 December 2011 Page 3


The number of shares in each class
capacity as a shareholder of a PFIC.
shareholder describes the basis for its
of stock at the end of its tax year.
The entity will include the QEF earnings
reasonable belief;
as income for the year in which the
3. Extended, in the Protective
Reportable transaction disclosure
PFIC’s taxable year ends. The interest
Statement, the periods of limitations on
statement. A 10-percent shareholder
holder in the pass-through entity takes
the assessment of taxes under the
(by vote or value) of a QEF also may
the income into account under the rules
PFIC rules for all taxable years to which
be required to file Form 8886 if the QEF
applicable to inclusions of income from
the protective statement applies; and
is considered to have participated in a
the pass-through entity.
4. Complied with the other terms
reportable transaction pursuant to
and conditions of the protective
Regulations section
Affiliated groups. The common
1.6011-4(c)(3)(i)(G). See Form 8886,
parent of an affiliated group of
Reportable Transaction Disclosure
corporations that joins in filing a
The Protective Statement must be
Statement, and Regulations section
consolidated income tax return makes
attached to the shareholder’s tax return
1.6011-4 for additional information.
the QEF election for all members of the
for the shareholder’s first taxable year
affiliated group that are shareholders in
to which the statement will apply. For
the PFIC. An election by a common
required content of the statement and
Specific Instructions
parent is effective for all members of
other information, see Regulations
the group that own stock in the PFIC at
section 1.1295-3(c).
Important: All line references to Form
the time the election is made or any
Consent regime. Under the
1120 and Form 1040 are to the 2007
time thereafter.
consent regime, a shareholder that has
forms. Other entities should use the
For more information on who may
not satisfied the requirements of the
comparable line on their tax return.
make the election, see Regulations
protective regime may request that the
section 1.1295-1(d).
Address and Identifying
IRS permit a retroactive election. The
consent regime applies only if:
When To Make the Election
1. The shareholder reasonably
Generally, a shareholder must make
relied on tax advice of a competent and
Address. Include the suite, room, or
the election to be treated as a QEF by
qualified tax professional;
other unit number after the street
the due date, including extensions, for
2. The interest of the U.S.
address. If the post office does not
filing the shareholder’s income tax
government will not be prejudiced if the
deliver mail to the street address and
return for the first taxable year to which
consent is granted;
the shareholder has a P.O. box, enter
the election will apply (the “election due
3. The shareholder requests
the box number instead.
date”). See Retroactive election below
consent before the PFIC status issue is
Identifying number. Individuals
for exceptions. The foreign corporation
raised on audit; and
should enter a social security number
will be treated as a QEF with respect to
4. The shareholder satisfies the
or a taxpayer identification number
the shareholder for the taxable year in
procedural requirements under
issued by the IRS. All other entities
which the election is made and for each
Regulations section 1.1295-3(f)(4).
should enter an employer identification
subsequent tax year of the foreign
corporation ending with or within a
Special Rules
taxable year of the shareholder for
For rules relating to the invalidation,
which the election is effective. For more
Part I. Elections
termination, or revocation of a section
information on making a retroactive
1295 election, see Regulations section
election, see Regulations section
1295-1(i). Also see Regulations section
A. Election To Treat the PFIC
1.1295-1(c)(2) for rules relating to the
as a QEF (Section 1295
Retroactive election. A shareholder
years to which a section 1295 election
may make a QEF election for a taxable
year after the election due date (a
How To Make the Election
retroactive election), only if:
Who May Make the Election
The shareholder has preserved its
For the tax year in which the section
Generally, a U.S. person that owns
right to make a retroactive election
1295 election is made, the shareholder
stock in a PFIC, directly or indirectly,
under the protective statement regime
must do the following.
may make Election A to treat the PFIC
(described below) or
1. Check box A in Part I of Form
as a QEF.
The shareholder obtains the
Note. A separate election must be
permission of the IRS to make a
2. Complete the applicable lines of
made for each PFIC that the
retroactive election under the consent
Part II. Include the information provided
shareholder wants to treat as a QEF.
regime (described below).
in the PFIC Annual Information
Exception. A tax-exempt organization
Protective statement regime.
Statement, the Annual Intermediary
that is not taxable under section 1291
Under the protective statement regime,
Statement, or a combined statement
may not make the election. In addition,
a shareholder may preserve the ability
(see below) received from the PFIC.
a tax-exempt organization that is a
to make a retroactive election if the
3. Attach Form 8621 to a timely filed
member of a domestic pass-through
tax return (or, if applicable, partnership
entity is not subject to a QEF election
1. Reasonably believed, as of the
made by the pass-through entity.
due date for making the QEF election,
Chain of ownership. In a chain of
For each subsequent tax year in
that the foreign corporation was not a
ownership, only the first U.S. person
which the election applies and the
PFIC for its taxable year that ended
that is a direct or indirect shareholder of
corporation is treated as a QEF, the
during that year (retroactive election
the PFIC may make the election.
shareholder must:
Pass-through entities. A QEF
2. Filed a Protective Statement (see
1. Complete the applicable lines of
election made by a domestic
below) with respect to the foreign
Part II and
partnership, S corporation, or estate is
corporation, applicable to the
2. Attach Form 8621 to a timely filed
made in the pass-through entity’s
retroactive election year, in which the
tax return.


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