Instructions For Form 8621 December 2011 Page 2


Tax Consequences for
income of the 25%-or-more owned
PFIC stock that is regularly traded
(as defined in Regulations section
Shareholders of a Section 1291
1.1296-2(b)) on:
CFC overlap rule. A 10% U.S.
1. A national securities exchange
shareholder (defined in section 951(b))
Shareholders of a section 1291 fund
that is registered with the Securities
that includes in income its pro rata
are subject to special rules when they
and Exchange Commission (SEC),
share of subpart F income for stock of a
receive an excess distribution (defined
2. The national market system
CFC that is also a PFIC generally will
below) from, or recognize gain on the
established under section 11A of the
not be subject to the PFIC provisions
sale or disposition of the stock of, a
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or
for the same stock during the qualified
section 1291 fund. A distribution may
3. A foreign securities exchange
portion of the shareholder’s holding
be partly or wholly an excess
that is regulated or supervised by a
period of the stock in the PFIC. This
distribution. The entire amount of gain
governmental authority of the country in
exception does not apply to option
from the disposition of a section 1291
which the market is located and has the
holders. For more information, see
fund is treated as an excess
characteristics described in Regulations
section 1297(d).
section 1.1296-2(c)(1)(ii).
Note. The attribution rules of section
Excess distributions. An excess
Stock in certain PFICs described in
1298(a)(2)(B) will continue to apply
distribution is the part of the distribution
Regulations section 1.1296-2(d).
even if the foreign corporation is not
received from a section 1291 fund in
treated as a PFIC with respect to the
For additional information, including
the current tax year that is greater than
shareholder under section 1297(d).
special rules for RICs that own PFIC
125% of the average distributions
stock, see Regulations section
received in respect to such stock by the
Qualified Electing Fund
1.1296-1 and 1.1296-2.
shareholder during the 3 preceding tax
(QEF) Election
years (or, if shorter, the portion of the
Tax Consequences
shareholder’s holding period before the
A PFIC is a QEF if a U.S. person who
If a PFIC shareholder elects to mark
current tax year). No part of a
is a direct or indirect shareholder of the
the stock to market, the shareholder
distribution received or deemed
PFIC elects (under section 1295) to
received during the first tax year of the
treat the PFIC as a QEF. See the
shareholder’s holding period of the
1. Includes in income each year an
instructions for Election A on page 3 for
stock will be treated as an excess
amount equal to the excess, if any, of
information on making this election.
the fair market value of the PFIC stock
Tax Consequences for
as of the close of the taxable year over
The excess distribution is
Shareholders of a QEF
the shareholder’s adjusted basis in
determined on a per share basis and is
such stock or
allocated to each day in the
A shareholder of a QEF must
2. Is allowed a deduction equal to
annually include in gross income as
shareholder’s holding period of the
the lesser of:
stock. See section 1291(b)(3) for
ordinary income its pro rata share of
a. The excess, if any, of the
adjustments that are made when
the ordinary earnings and as long-term
adjusted basis of the PFIC stock over
determining if a distribution is an
capital gain the net capital gain of the
its fair market value as of the close of
excess distribution.
the tax year or
The shareholder may elect to extend
Portions of an excess distribution
b. The excess, if any, of the amount
the time for payment of tax on its share
are treated differently. The portions
of mark-to-market gain included in the
of the undistributed earnings of the
allocated to the days in the current tax
gross income of the PFIC shareholder
QEF (Election D) until the QEF election
year and the shareholder’s tax years in
for prior taxable years over the amount
is terminated.
its holding period before the foreign
allowed such PFIC shareholder as a
The shareholder may make a
corporation qualified as a PFIC
deduction for a loss with respect to
deemed sale election (Election B) or a
(pre-PFIC years) are taxed as ordinary
such stock for prior taxable years.
deemed dividend election (Election C)
income. The portions allocated to the
to purge the section 1291 fund years
days in the shareholder’s tax years
See the instructions for Part III on
from its holding period.
(other than the current tax year) in its
page 7 for more information.
Note. A shareholder that receives a
holding period when the foreign
Basis adjustment. If the stock is held
corporation was a PFIC are not
distribution from an unpedigreed QEF
directly, the shareholder’s adjusted
included in income, but are subject to
(defined in Regulations section
basis in the PFIC stock is increased by
the separate tax and interest charge set
1.1291-9(j)(2)(iii)) is also subject to the
the amount included in income and
forth in section 1291(c).
rules applicable to a shareholder of a
decreased by any deductions allowed.
section 1291 fund (see below).
See the instructions for Part IV on
If the stock is owned indirectly through
page 8.
Basis adjustments. A shareholder’s
foreign entities, see Regulations section
basis in the stock of a QEF is increased
Exempt organizations. If a
by the earnings included in gross
shareholder of a PFIC is a tax exempt
income and decreased by a distribution
Additional Information
organization, the rules of section 1291
from the QEF to the extent of
will apply only if a dividend from the
previously taxed amounts.
PFIC would be taxable to the
shareholder under subchapter F.
A shareholder of a PFIC must attach
Section 1291 Fund
certain information to Form 8621. This
Mark-to-Market Election
A PFIC is a section 1291 fund if:
information includes:
A U.S. shareholder of a PFIC may elect
1. The shareholder did not elect to
The number of shares in each class
to mark the PFIC stock to market if the
treat the PFIC as a QEF or make a
of stock owned by the shareholder at
stock is “marketable stock.” See the
mark-to-market election with respect to
the beginning of its tax year;
instructions for Election F on page 5 for
the PFIC or
Any changes in the number of shares
information on making this election.
2. The PFIC is an unpedigreed QEF
in each class of stock during its tax
Marketable stock. Marketable stock
(as defined in Regulations section
year and the dates of such changes;


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