Instructions For Form 8621 December 2011


Instructions for Form 8621
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
(Rev. December 2011)
Information Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or
Qualified Electing Fund
When and Where To File
Is making an election reportable in
Section references are to the Internal
Part I of the form.
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.
Attach Form 8621 to the shareholder’s
General Instructions
tax return (or, if applicable, partnership
A separate Form 8621 must be filed
or exempt organization return) and file
for each PFIC in which stock is held.
both by the due date, including
See Chain of ownership below for
What’s New
extensions, of the return at the Internal
specific filing requirements.
Revenue Service Center where the tax
New section 1298(f) was added by
Indirect shareholder. Generally, a
return is required to be filed.
section 521 of the Hiring Incentives to
U.S. person is an indirect shareholder
Restore Employment Act of 2010.
If you are not required to file an
of a PFIC if it is:
However, Notice 2011-55, 2011-29
income tax return or other return for the
1. A direct or indirect owner of a
I.R.B. 53, suspends the section 1298(f)
tax year, file Form 8621 directly with
pass-through entity that is a direct or
reporting requirement for tax years
the Internal Revenue Service Center,
indirect shareholder of a PFIC,
beginning after March 18, 2010, for
Ogden, UT 84201-0201.
2. A shareholder of a PFIC that is a
PFIC shareholders that are not
shareholder of another PFIC, or
otherwise required to file Form 8621 as
Definitions and Special
3. A 50%-or-more shareholder of a
provided in the Who Must File section
foreign corporation that is not a PFIC
below. The suspension of the section
and that directly or indirectly owns stock
1298(f) reporting requirement will
of a PFIC.
remain in effect pending the release of
Passive Foreign Investment
a subsequent revision of Form 8621,
Company (PFIC)
Interest holder of pass-through
modified to reflect the requirements of
entities. The following interest holders
A foreign corporation is a PFIC if it
section 1298(f), as set forth in guidance
must file Form 8621 under the
meets either the income or asset test
to be included in future regulations.
circumstances described above:
described below.
Elections G and H were added to
1. A U.S. person that is an interest
1. Income test. 75% or more of the
Part I of the form to provide a method
holder of a foreign pass-through entity
corporation’s gross income for its
for shareholders to make timely
that is a direct or indirect shareholder of
taxable year is passive income (as
deemed dividend elections with respect
defined in section 1297(b)).
to a section 1297(e) PFIC (as defined
2. A U.S. person that is considered
2. Asset test. At least 50% of the
in Regulations section 1.1291-9(j)(2)(v))
(under sections 671 through 679) the
average percentage of assets
(election G) and with respect to a
shareholder of PFIC stock held in trust,
(determined under section 1297(e))
former PFIC that was also a controlled
held by the foreign corporation during
foreign corporation (election H). See
3. A U.S. partnership, S corporation,
the taxable year are assets that
the instructions for these new elections
trust (other than a trust that is subject to
produce passive income or that are
on page 6 for additional information.
sections 671 through 679 for the PFIC
held for the production of passive
Lines 8 through 9c were added to
stock), or estate that is a direct or
Part III of the form for sales and other
indirect shareholder of a PFIC.
dispositions of section 1296 stock. See
Basis for measuring assets. When
Lines 8 through 9c on page 8 for
determining PFIC status using the
Note. U.S. persons that are interest
additional information.
asset test, a foreign corporation may
holders of pass-through entities
The IRS has created a page on
use adjusted basis if:
described in 3 above must file Form for information about Form
8621 if the pass-through entity fails to
1. The corporation is not publicly
8621 and its instructions, at
file such form or the U.S. person is
traded for the taxable year and
gov/form8621. Information about any
required to recognize any income under
2. The corporation is (a) a controlled
future developments affecting Form
section 1291.
foreign corporation within the meaning
8621 (such as legislation enacted after
of section 957 (CFC) or (b) makes an
we release it) will be posted on that
Chain of ownership. If the
election to use adjusted basis.
shareholder owns one PFIC and
through that PFIC owns one or more
Publicly traded corporations must
Who Must File
other PFICs, the shareholder must
use fair market value when determining
PFIC status using the asset test.
Generally, a U.S. person that is a direct
1. File a Form 8621 for each PFIC
or indirect shareholder of a PFIC must
Look-thru rule. When determining if a
in the chain or
file Form 8621 for each tax year in
foreign corporation that owns at least
2. Complete Form 8621 for the first
which that U.S. person:
25% (by value) of another corporation
PFIC and, in an attachment, provide
Recognizes gain on a direct or
is a PFIC, the foreign corporation is
the information required on Form 8621
indirect disposition of PFIC stock,
treated as if it held a proportionate
for each of the other PFICs in the
Receives certain direct or indirect
share of the assets and received
distributions from a PFIC, or
directly its proportionate share of the
Oct 19, 2011
Cat. No. 10784P


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