Form 1040me - Maine Individual Income Tax - Long Form - 2008 Page 4


Name(s) as shown on Form 1040ME
Your Social Security Number
2008 - Worksheet for Pension Income Deduction - Schedule 1, Line 2d
Sequence No.
Enclose this Worksheet and copies of your 1099 form(s) with your Form 1040ME
Pension benefi ts that do not qualify are those received from an
You and your spouse (if married) may each deduct up to $6,000
individual retirement account (including SIMPLE individual retirement
of eligible pension income
that is included in your federal adjusted
accounts), simplifi ed employee pension plan, benefi ts from an
gross income. Except for military pension benefi ts, the $6,000 cap
ineligible deferred compensation plan under IRC section 457(f),
must be reduced by any social security and railroad retirement
refunds of excess contributions, lump-sum distributions included on
benefi ts received, whether taxable or not.
federal Form 4972 and distributions subject to the additional 10%
Deductible pension income includes state, federal and military pension
federal tax on early distributions (see federal Form 5329, Part 1, or
benefi ts, as well as retirement benefi ts received from plans established
federal Form 1040, line 59). Also, disability benefi ts reported as
and maintained by an employer for the benefi t of its employees under
wages on your federal income tax return do not qualify.
Internal Revenue Code (IRC) sections 401(a) (Qualifi ed Pension
*Eligible pension income does not include benefi ts earned by
Plans, including qualifi ed 401 SIMPLE plans) and 403 (Employee
another person, except in the case of a surviving spouse. Only
annuities). Deductible pension income also includes benefi ts received
the individual that earned the benefi t from prior employment may
under IRC section 457(b) (State and local government/tax exempt
claim the pension income for the deduction. However, a widowed
organizations/eligible deferred compensation plans),
except that
spouse receiving survivor’s benefi ts under an eligible pension
pension income from 457(b) plans received prior to age 55 that is
not part of a series of equal periodic payments made over the life of
plan may claim that amount for purposes of this deduction, but
the recipient and the recipient’s designated benefi ciary, if applicable,
the total pension deduction for the surviving spouse may not
may not be included in the deductible pension amount.
exceed $6,000.
NOTE: Enter eligible non-military pension benefi ts on line 1 and eligible military pension benefi ts on line 6.
1. Total eligible non-military pension income (both Maine and non-Maine sources) included in your
federal adjusted gross income (from federal form 1040A, line 12b or Form 1040, line 16b). (Do not
include social security or railroad retirement benefi ts received or pension benefi ts received from an
individual retirement account, simplifi ed employee pension plan, an ineligible deferred compensation
plan under IRC § 457(f), lump-sum distributions included on federal Form 4972, distributions subject
to the additional 10% federal tax on early distributions or refunds of excess contributions).
2. Maximum allowable deduction
$ 6,000.00
$ 6,000.00
3. Total social security and railroad retirement benefi ts you received - whether taxable or not
4. Subtract line 3 from line 2 (if zero or less, enter zero)
5. Enter the smaller of line 1 or line 4 here
6. Total eligible military pension income included in your federal adjusted gross income
7. Add line 5 and line 6
8. Enter the smaller of line 2 or line 7 here and the total for both spouses on Schedule 1, line 2d
*Use this column only if fi ling married-joint return and only if spouse separately earned an eligible pension.
2008 WORKSHEET for Maine Schedule 1, line 2f
For individuals claiming a deduction for long-term care insurance premiums. Complete this worksheet only if you claim Maine itemized deductions
and federal Schedule A, line 4 is greater than zero or you are self-employed and federal Form 1040, line 29 is greater than zero.
1. Enter total amount of long-term care insurance premiums paid during 2008: ........ $
2. Enter amount from federal Schedule A, line 1 ................................................................................................. $_________________
3. Enter amount of long-term care premiums included in line 2 above .............................................................. $_________________
4. Divide line 3 by line 2.......................................................................................................................................
__ . __ __ __ __
5. Enter amount from federal Schedule A, line 4 $ ___________ and multiply by percentage on line 4 above $_________________
6. Enter amount of long-term care insurance premiums included on federal Form 1040, line 29 ....................... $_________________
7. Subtract line 5 and line 6 from line 1. Enter result here and on Schedule 1, line 2f .......................................$_________________
2008 WORKSHEET for Maine Schedule 2, line 5a
For individuals whose federal adjusted gross income exceeds $159,950 [$79,975 if Married fi ling separate].
1. Enter total state and local income taxes or sales taxes (from federal Schedule A, line 5) and mortgage
insurance premiums (from federal schedule A, line 13) ..................................................................................$_________________
2. Enter federal itemized deductions subject to reduction (from federal itemized deduction worksheet, line 3) ......... $_________________
3. Divide line 1 by line 2. Enter result here .........................................................................................................
__ . __ __ __ __
4. Enter federal itemized deductions disallowed (from federal itemized deduction worksheet, line 11) .............. $_________________
5. Multiply line 4 by the percentage on line 3. Enter result here ......................................................................... $_________________
6. Subtract line 5 from line 1. Enter result here and on Schedule 2, line 5a ...................................................... $_________________


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