Behavior Intervention Plan

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A behavior intervention plan (BIP) considers the data gathered through an individual’s functional
behavior assessment (FBA) and employs that data to create a plan of action toward changing and
improving that individual’s behavior. For students who have been determined eligible for special
education, the BIP becomes part of their IEP at a PPT. The IDEA statute and regulations provide
limited direction regarding the format of a BIP. Appropriate practice suggests that BIPs should
include the overall goals to be achieved, interventions intended to change student’s behavior, the
persons responsible for implementing the proposed interventions and evaluation methods and
timelines to be followed (McConnell, Patton and Polloway BIP-3 2006). For the purposes of this
section, a number of BIPs were reviewed. Research that included both published and other
national sources were considered. Elements that are most common to the BIPs reviewed are:
1. Student’s Identifying Information - includes documentation offering enough
information to the reader(s) to identify clearly the student for whom the BIP applies.
Consideration should be given as to how the BIP may be employed by the practitioner for
quick reference while maintaining adequate confidentiality.
2. Target Behavior(s)/Goal(s) - includes behavior(s) for which the BIP is targeted to
change and improve. On the BIPs reviewed, terminology for this section varied but most
prevalent were ‘Target behavior(s)’ and ‘Goal(s)’, however, the theme of the section
remains the same regardless of the terminology. Some BIPs further delineated target
behavior(s)/goal(s) into smaller objectives.
3. Function of Behavior - describes the hypothesis regarding the function of target
behavior and the purpose it serves for the student.
4. Desired Replacement Behavior(s) - includes more acceptable behavior(s) planned to
replace the target behavior(s) through the BIP.
5. Intervention Strategies - includes specific interventions and strategies to be
implemented in addressing the target behavior(s)/goal(s). Include antecedent strategies to
prevent the problem behavior (including modifications to the triggering antecedent and
prompts for appropriate behaviors); instructional strategies (to teach the replacement
behavior and shape toward desired behavior); and consequence strategies (to increase
function-based reinforcement for the replacement behavior, increase other reinforcement
for the desired behavior and prevent reinforcement of the problem behavior).
6. Environmental Changes - includes any changes to the setting or environment
necessary to effectively implement the strategies and interventions
7. Person Responsible - includes information regarding the individual’s designated to
implement intervention strategies and/or designated for oversight of specific portions of
the BIP. Creators of a BIP are encouraged to consider the transient nature of staff when
choosing whether or not to list a particular staff member by name rather than the staff
member’s job designation (e.g., Special Education Teacher vs. Mr. Smith).
8. Timelines/Review Dates - includes segments of time during which specific portions
of the BIP are to be addressed, as well as specific dates by which specific portions of the
BIP are to be reviewed, with regard to progress.
9. Monitoring Progress/Evaluation Methods - includes a description of how progress
toward achieving desired outcomes will be monitored and evaluated.


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