Instructions For Form Pt-202 - Tax On Kero-Jet Fuel - New York State Department Of Taxation And Finance


PT-202 (8/07) (back)
Line 8 — Enter the total number of gallons of kero-jet fuel
General information
sold to persons registered under Article 13-A as aviation
Persons registered under Tax Law Article 12-A as
fuel businesses, or under Article 12-A as distributors of
distributors of kero-jet fuel only who are not required
diesel motor fuel or as distributors of kero-jet fuel only,
to file monthly tax returns must file this return. For those
or sold to the U.S. government, New York State and
required to file monthly tax returns, use Form PT-100,
municipalities, or consumed by you in your aircraft. If
Petroleum Business Tax Return.
you consumed kero-jet fuel in your aircraft, you must
If you are an exempt organization that has established
complete Form PT-104.1/202.1, Kero-Jet Fuel Consumed
its status as an exempt organization under Tax Law
in New York State by Aircraft.
section 1116(a), and any product that you import into
Line 9 — Enter the total number of gallons of kero-jet fuel
New York State is consumed exclusively by you, then
that you sold outside the state or that you transferred to
you are not subject to the Article 13-A tax on petroleum
your out-of-state facilities. Any gallons sold in New York
businesses (do not complete Form PT-202).
State to out-of-state customers must be for immediate
Kero-jet fuel is an unenhanced diesel product consisting
basically of highly refined kerosene that is used as fuel in
Line 13 — Enter the net number of gallons of kero-jet
the fuel tanks of aircraft.
fuel from your adjustments. Explain all adjustments in
detail on line 13 of the tax return. Attach additional sheets,
Line instructions
if necessary, to explain the adjustments. Examples of
Line 1 — Enter the total number of gallons of kero-jet
adjustments include the following:
fuel on hand at the beginning of the quarter at storage
— Number of gallons of kero-jet fuel lost due to
facilities in New York State. This figure should be the same
evaporation, shrinkage, and handling at bulk storage
as reported on line 6 of Form PT-202 for the preceding
facilities (other than retail service stations). Subtract
quarter. This figure cannot be a negative amount.
this figure from line 12 when computing line 14. You
Line 2 — Enter the total number of gallons of kero-jet
must maintain records to substantiate these losses. In
fuel that you imported directly to your in-state facilities or
addition, you may include on line 13 the total gallons
to your in-state customers (from out-of-state suppliers or
of kero-jet fuel lost due to a casualty, provided the loss
from your own out-of-state facilities).
has been approved by the Tax Department. You must
submit a report of casualty loss within 24 hours to the
You are the importer of kero-jet fuel if you:
NYS Tax Department, TTTB-FACCTS, Fuels Audit
1) have ownership of the fuel at the time the fuel enters
Unit, W A Harriman Campus, Albany NY 12227-0250,
New York State’s jurisdiction; or
requesting to include the loss on your tax return.
2) direct or control the importation of the fuel into
— Bulk inventory gains of kero-jet fuel sold or used. Add
New York State.
this figure to line 12 when computing line 14.
Line 3 — Enter the total number of gallons of kero-jet fuel
— Adjustments (in gallons) from prior periods. Subtract a
shipped directly to your in-state facilities or to your in-state
credit or add a debit to line 12 when computing line 14.
customers (from in-state suppliers).
Line 15 — Enter the total number of gallons of kero-jet
Line 4 — Enter the total number of gallons of non-kero-jet
fuel consumed in New York State in the operation of your
fuel substances that were added to and increased your
aircraft on which the petroleum business tax was not
overall inventory of kero-jet fuel.
previously paid (from Form PT-104.1/202.1, line 3). If this
is a negative amount, enter it in brackets.
Line 6 — Enter the total number of gallons of your kero-jet
fuel on hand at the end of the quarter at storage facilities
Line 17 — Transfer the amount on line 17 to Form PT-200,
in New York State. This figure cannot be a negative
Quarterly Petroleum Business Tax Return, line 2.
amount. An accommodation sale must be treated as a
purchase and a sale.


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