2000 Instructions for Form 541-ES
Estimated Tax For Fiduciaries
General Information
on the lesser of 80% of their current tax for
D How to Figure Estimated Tax
2000 or 105% of the tax for 1999.
Use the Estimated Tax Worksheet and the
Fiduciaries that are required to make estimated
If the estate or trust must make estimated
1999 Form 541 return as a guide for
tax payments for more than 200 taxable trusts
tax payments, use the Estimated Tax
figuring the 2000 estimated tax payment.
may submit the estimated tax payment
Worksheet on the following page to figure
information on magnetic media or composite
E How to Use Form 541-ES
the amount owed.
listing. For additional information about
Payment Voucher
Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit
submitting Form 541 estimate payment
(REMIC) trusts are not required to make
There is a separate payment voucher for each
information on magnetic media or composite
estimated payments.
due date. Please be sure you use the voucher
listing, call (800) 852-5711, and select
with the correct due date shown on the right
option 5.
Tax-exempt trusts and nonexempt charitable
side of the voucher.
trusts described in IRC Section 4947(a)(1)
For taxable years beginning on or after
should use FTB Form 100-ES, Corporation
Fill in Form 541-ES:
January 1, 1997, an electing small business
Estimated Tax.
trust (ESBT) may be a shareholder in an
1. Print the estate’s or trust’s name, the
S corporation. An election made by the
C When to Make Your Estimated
fiduciary’s name and title, mailing address,
trustee under Internal Revenue Section (IRC)
and the estate’s or trust’s federal employer
Tax Payments
1361 is considered to be an election for
identification number (FEIN) in the space
For estimated tax purposes, the year is divided
California purposes, and no separate
provided on Form 541-ES. Use black or
into four payment periods. Each period has a
election is allowed (California Revenue and
blue ink. The scanning machines may not
specific payment due date. If an estate or trust
Taxation Code (R&TC) Section 23800.5). Tax
be able to read other colors of ink or pencil.
does not pay enough tax by the due date of
is computed at the highest rate under R&TC
Print all names and words in CAPITAL
each of the payment periods, it may be
Section 17041. For taxable years beginning
LETTERS. If your name or address is too
charged a penalty, even if it is due a refund,
on or after January 1, 1998, the highest rate
long to fit in the boxes provided, do not
when it files its income tax return. The
is 9.3% (R&TC Section 17731.5).
shorten your name or address. Instead,
payment periods and due dates are:
ignore the boxes and fit the information in
A Purpose
the space provided.
For the payment period
Due date is:
Use Form 541-ES to figure and pay
Jan. 1 through March 31, 2000
April 17, 2000
2. Enter in the payment box of the voucher
estimated tax for an estate or trust. Esti-
April 1 through May 31, 2000
June 15, 2000
only the amount you are sending in. When
mated tax is the amount of tax the fiduciary
June 1 through August 31, 2000
Sept. 15, 2000
making payments of estimated tax, be sure
of an estate or trust expects to owe for the
Sept. 1 through Dec. 31, 2000
Jan. 16, 2001
to take into account any 1999 overpayment
year after subtracting the amount of any tax
Filing an Early Return in Place of the 4th
that you chose to credit against your 2000
withheld and the amount of any credits.
Installment. If an estate or trust files its 2000
tax, but do not include the overpayment
tax return by January 31, 2001, and pays
B Who Must Make Estimated
amount in the amount of your payment.
the entire balance due, it does not have to
Tax Payments
3. If part of the estimated tax is to be
make its last estimated tax payment.
allocated to the beneficiaries per IRC
Generally, a fiduciary of an estate or trust must
Annualization Option. If the estate or trust
Section 643(g), attach a copy of
make 2000 estimated tax payments unless:
does not receive its taxable income evenly
Form 541-T, California Allocation of
• More than 80% of the estate’s or trust’s
during the year, it may be to its advantage to
Estimated Tax Payments to Beneficiaries, to
1999 tax was paid by withholding; or
annualize the income. This method allows
Form 541-ES.
• More than 80% of the estate’s or trust’s
matching estimated tax payments to the actual
4. Make your check or money order payable
2000 California adjusted gross income (AGI)
period when income was earned. Use the
to “ Franchise Tax Board.” Write the FEIN
will be wages subject to withholding; or
annualization schedule included with 1999
and “Form 541-ES 2000” on the check or
• More than 80% of the estate’s or trust’s
form FTB 5805, Underpayment of Estimated
money order. Mail your Form 541-ES and
2000 tax will be paid by withholding.
Tax by Individuals and Fiduciaries.
your check or money order to:
An estate or trust is not required to make
Farmers and Fishermen. If at least 2/3 of
2000 estimated tax payments if:
gross income for 1999 or 2000 is from
PO BOX 942867
farming or fishing, the estate or trust may:
• The tax for 1999 (after subtracting withhold-
SACRAMENTO CA 94267-0031
ing and credits) was less than $200; or
• Pay the total estimated tax by January 16,
5. Keep a record of the payment.
• The tax for 2000 (after subtracting withhold-
2001; or
ing and credits) will be less than $200.
6. Fiscal-year filers: If you file your return
• File Form 541 for 2000 on or before
• It is a decedent’s estate for any tax year
on a fiscal-year basis, be sure to fill in the
March 1, 2001 and pay the total tax due.
ending before the date that is two years
month and year-end information at the top
In this case, estimated tax payments are
after the decedent’s death; or
of the voucher.
not due for 2000. Attach form FTB 5805F,
• It is a trust that was treated as owned by
Underpayment of Estimated Tax by
F Failure to Make Estimated Tax
the decedent and if the trust will receive the
Farmers and Fishermen, to the front of
residue of the decedent’s estate under the
Form 541.
will (or if no will is admitted to probate, the
If an estate or trust is required to make
Fiscal Year. If the estate or trust files its
trust primarily responsible for paying
estimated tax payments and does not, or if it
return on a fiscal year basis, the due dates will
debts, taxes, and expenses of administra-
underpays any installment, a penalty will be
be the 15th day of the 4th, 6th, and 9th
tion) for any tax year ending before the
assessed (with certain exceptions) for that
months of the fiscal year and the first month
date that is two years after the decedent’s
portion of estimated tax that was underpaid
of the following fiscal year. If the due date is
from the due date of the installment to the
a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, use the
date of payment or the due date of the tax
Limit on the Use of Prior Year’s Tax. Estates
next business day.
return, whichever is earlier. For more
and trusts with 1999 AGI greater than
information, get 1999 form FTB 5805.
$150,000 must figure estimated tax based
Form 541-ES Instructions
Page 27
(REV. 1999)