Instructions For Form 8858 - 2011 Page 4


same meaning given to them by U.S.
Report these amounts in U.S. dollars.
use the average exchange rate for the
GAAP (see Opinion No. 30 of the
Enter on line 5 the DASTM gain or loss
FDE’s tax year. See section 989(b).
Accounting Principles Board and
figured under Regulations section
Report the exchange rate in the entry
Statement No. 16 of the Financial
space provided at the top of Schedule M
Accounting Standards Board).
(Form 8858) using the “divide-by
Lines 2 and 3. Certain adjustments
convention” specified under Reporting
Important: Differences between this
must be made to the FDE’s line 1 net
Exchange Rates on Form 8858 on page
functional currency amount and the
book income or (loss) to determine its
amount of taxes that reduce E&P (in the
current E&P or taxable income. The
case of an FDE of a CFC) or are
adjustments may include those needed to
Every U.S. person that is required to
deductible in computing U.S. taxable
conform the foreign book income to U.S.
file Schedule M (Form 8858) (see Who
income (in the case of an FDE of a U.S.
GAAP and to U.S. tax accounting
Must File on page 1) must file the
person or a CFP) should be accounted for
principles. If the FDE’s books are
schedule to report the transactions that
on line 2 or 3 of Schedule H.
maintained in functional currency in
occurred during the FDE’s annual
accordance with U.S. GAAP, enter on line
accounting period ending with or within
Schedule C-1
1 the functional currency GAAP income or
the U.S. person’s tax year.
(loss) from line 8 of Schedule C, rather
Complete a separate Schedule C-1 for
If a U.S. corporation is the U.S. person
than starting with foreign book income,
each recipient that has a functional
filing Schedule M (Form 8858) and is a
and show GAAP-to-tax adjustments on
currency that is different than the
member of a consolidated group, list the
lines 2 and 3.
functional currency of the FDE. See
common parent as the U.S. person filing
The adjustments may include the
section 987(3) for rules relating to branch
Schedule M (Form 8858).
Column headings. There are 2 sets of
Capital gains and losses.
column headings above lines 1 through
Schedule F
Depreciation, amortization, and
19. The first set of column headings is to
Use Schedule F to report a summary
be used in cases where the tax owner is a
Investment or incentive allowance.
balance sheet for the FDE computed and
CFP. The second set of column headings
Charges to statutory reserves.
translated into U.S. dollars in accordance
is to be used in cases where the tax
Inventory adjustments. Inventories
owner is a CFC. If you are completing
with U.S. GAAP.
must be taken into account according to
Schedule M (Form 8858) for an FDE for
Special rule for DASTM. If the FDE
the rules of sections 471 (incorporating
which the tax owner is a CFP, check the
uses DASTM, Schedule F should be
the provisions of section 263A) and 472
box for CFPs and complete lines 1
prepared and translated into U.S. dollars
and the related regulations.
through 19 using the headings in columns
according to Regulations section
Taxes. See the instructions for
(a) through (e) of the CFP set of columns.
1.985-3(d), rather than U.S. GAAP.
Schedule C, line 7.
If you are completing Schedule M (Form
Schedule G
8858) for an FDE for which the tax owner
Attach a separate schedule that lists
is a CFC, check the box for CFCs and
each applicable adjustment item. For
Question 3
complete lines 1 through 19 using the
each adjustment item, indicate the
headings in columns (a) through (f) of the
adjustment amount and whether the
If the tax owner of the FDE is claiming a
CFC set of columns.
amount is a net addition or net
section 165 loss with respect to worthless
subtraction. The separate schedule
Column (e). Use column (e) to report
stock or with respect to certain
should also show two totals, the total net
transactions between the FDE and any
obligations, see Regulations section
additions amount to be entered on line 2,
U.S. person with a 10% or more direct
1.6011-4 for information relating to a
and the total net subtractions amount to
interest in the CFP or any 10% or more
disclosure statement that must be
be entered on line 3.
U.S. shareholder of any corporation
attached to Form 8858 if certain
controlling the CFC. If you are a Category
Line 5. DASTM gain or (loss), reflecting
requirements are met.
1 filer of Form 8865, or a Category 4 filer
unrealized exchange gain or loss, should
Question 4
of Form 5471, do not report transactions
be entered on line 5 only for FDEs that
If the FDE is not owned directly or
between yourself and the FDE under
use DASTM.
indirectly by a domestic corporation or the
column (e). Report the transactions only
Line 7. Enter the line 6 functional
FDE did not incur an NOL for the year,
under column (b).
currency amount translated into U.S.
please write “N/A” across the “Yes/No”
Line 6. Report on line 6 dividends
dollars at the average exchange rate for
entry spaces for line 4 to indicate that the
received by the FDE that were not
the FDE’s tax year. See section 989(b).
question is not applicable. Otherwise, if
previously taxed under subpart F in the
Report the exchange rate using the
you are checking the “Yes” box, you may
current year or in any prior year.
“divide-by convention” specified under
need to attach an elective relief
Reporting Exchange Rates on Form 8858
Lines 18 and 19. Report on lines 18 and
agreement and/or an annual certification
on page 2. If the FDE uses DASTM, enter
19 the largest outstanding balances
as provided in Regulations sections
on line 7 the same amount entered on
during the year of gross amounts
1.1503(d)-6(d) or (g).
line 6.
borrowed from, and gross amounts
loaned to, the related parties described in
Blocked income. The E&P or taxable
Schedule H
columns (b) through (f). Do not enter
income of the FDE, as reflected on
Use Schedule H to report the FDE’s
aggregate cash flows, year-end loan
Schedule H, must not be reduced by all or
current earnings and profits (E&P) (if the
balances, average balances, or net
any part of such E&P or taxable income
tax owner is a CFC) or taxable income (if
balances. Do not include open account
that could not have been distributed by
the tax owner is a U.S. person or a CFP).
balances resulting from sales and
the FDE due to currency or other
Generally, enter the amounts on lines 1
purchases reported under other items
restrictions or limitations imposed under
through 6 in functional currency.
listed on Schedule M (Form 8858) that
the laws of any foreign country.
Special rules for DASTM. If the FDE
arise and are collected in full in the
Schedule M
uses DASTM, enter on line 1 the dollar
ordinary course of business.
GAAP income or (loss) from line 8 of
Important: In translating the amounts
Schedule C. Enter on lines 2 and 3 the
from functional currency to U.S. dollars,
adjustments made in figuring current E&P
or taxable income for U.S. tax purposes.


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