Instructions For Form 8858 - 2011 Page 3


accounting period or taxable year of the
qualified business unit (QBU) and the
covered by Form 8865 (as described in
tax owner. Therefore, in the case of a
definition of a QBU.
Regulations section 1.6038-3(f)).
U.S. tax owner, the annual accounting
Hyperinflationary exception. An entity
Line 5
period of the FDE is the taxable year of
that otherwise would be required to use a
You must attach an organizational chart
the U.S. tax owner; and in the case of a
hyperinflationary currency as its functional
that includes the following information
CFC or CFP that is a tax owner, the
currency must use the U.S. dollar as its
with respect to the chain of ownership
annual accounting period of the FDE is
functional currency and compute income
between the tax owner and the FDE and
the annual accounting period of the CFC
or loss or earnings and profits using the
the chain of ownership between the FDE
or CFP.
U.S. dollar approximate separate
and all entities in which the FDE has a
transactions method of accounting
10% or more direct or indirect interest:
Person Filing This Return
(DASTM) under the special rules of
The name and percentage of
Regulations section 1.985-3. See
In the spaces provided at the top of page
ownership of all entities in the chain of
Regulations section 1.985-1(b)(2).
1 of Form 8858, provide the identifying
ownership, including partnerships and
information for the U.S. person filing Form
Line 1b(2)—Reference ID
entities disregarded as separate from
8858 (see definition on page 1).
their owners.
If a U.S. corporation is the U.S.
The FDE’s position in the chain of
This line is optional for the foreign
person filing Form 8858 and is a member
disregarded entity’s tax year that begins
of a consolidated group, list the common
The tax classification of all entities in
in 2011. For that tax year, this line may be
parent as the person filing the return and
the chain of ownership (see Form 8832
used to include any referencing
enter its identifying information in the
instructions for tax classification rules and
information that is useful to the filer in
spaces provided at the top of page 1 of
related definitions).
carrying out its obligations under section
the form.
The country under whose law each
6038. For example, filers may want to use
entity is organized.
Name Change
line 1b(2) to assign a reference ID
number to a foreign disregarded entity to
For these purposes, the rules of
If the name of the person filing the return,
uniquely identify the foreign disregarded
section 958(a) (relating to “direct and
the tax owner, the direct owner, or the
entity in order to keep track of the foreign
indirect ownership”) apply.
FDE whose activities are being reported
disregarded entity from tax year to tax
changed within the past 3 years, show the
Each filer of Form 8858 that is required
prior name(s) in parentheses after the
to file an organizational chart with respect
current name.
The reference ID number must meet
to more than one FDE may satisfy this
the requirements set forth below.
requirement by filing a single
organizational chart that includes the
Note. Because reference ID numbers
Use the following instructions to complete
required information with respect to all
are established by or on behalf of the
lines 1a, 2a, 2b, 3a, 4a, and the entry
U.S. person filing Form 8858, there is no
spaces at the top of page 1 of the form for
need to apply to the IRS to request a
Schedule C
the filer’s address.
reference ID number or for permission to
U.S. Addresses. Include the suite,
use these numbers.
Use Schedule C to report a summary
room, or other unit number after the street
income statement for the FDE computed
Note. The reference ID number
address. If the Post Office does not
in the FDE’s functional currency in
assigned to a foreign disregarded entity
deliver mail to the street address and the
accordance with U.S. generally accepted
on Form 8858 generally has relevance
U.S. person has a P.O. box, show the box
accounting principles (GAAP). Enter in
only on Form 8858 and should generally
number instead.
the U.S. dollar column each line item
not be used with respect to that foreign
Foreign Addresses. Enter the
functional currency amount translated into
disregarded entity on any other IRS tax
information in the following order: city,
dollars using U.S. GAAP translation rules.
province or state, and country. Follow the
If the FDE does not maintain U.S. GAAP
country’s practice for entering the postal
income statements in U.S. dollars, you
code, if any. Do not abbreviate the
can use the average exchange rate as
The reference ID number that is entered
country name. However, if you are filing
determined under section 989(b). The
in item 1b(2) must be alphanumeric and
Form 8858 electronically, enter a valid
rate used should be the rate stated on
no special characters or spaces are
country code posted on the IRS website
line 7, Schedule H. If you choose to use
permitted. The length of a given reference
instead of the
the average exchange rate rather than
ID number is limited to 50 characters.
country name.
the U.S. GAAP translation rules, check
As a reminder for future tax years,
the box above line 1 on Schedule C.
Identifying Numbers
as announced by the IRS in
Special rules for DASTM. If the FDE
Use the following instruction to complete
October 2011
uses DASTM, the functional currency
lines 1b, 3c, 4c, and the entry space at
column should reflect local
the top of page 1 of the form for the filer’s
0,,id=246596,00.html, for the foreign
hyperinflationary currency amounts
identifying number. The identifying
disregarded entity’s tax year that begins
computed in accordance with U.S. GAAP.
number of an individual is his or her social
in 2012 and for all years thereafter, the
The U.S. dollar column should reflect
security number (SSN). The identifying
use of a reference ID number (Form
such amounts translated into dollars
number of all others is their employer
8858, line 1b(2)) will be mandatory in
under U.S. GAAP translation rules.
identification number (EIN).
cases where no EIN was entered in item
Differences between this U.S. dollar
If a U.S. corporation is the U.S.
GAAP column and the U.S. dollar income
person filing Form 8858 and is a member
or loss figured for tax purposes under
Line 1h—Principal Business
of a consolidated group, see Person
Regulations section 1.985-3(c) should be
Filing This Return above.
accounted for on Schedule H. See
Enter a brief description of the FDE’s
Special rules for DASTM, under Schedule
Functional Currency
principal business activity.
H, below.
Use the following instruction to complete
Line 7. Include on line 7, adjustments for
lines 1i, 3e, and 4d.
Line 3b
extraordinary items, prior period
Enter the entity’s functional currency.
If the tax owner is a CFC, enter the
adjustments, and the provision for
See sections 985 and 989, and
annual accounting period covered by
income, war profits, and excess profits
Regulations sections 1.985-1(a) through
Form 5471 (as described in Regulations
taxes deducted in accordance with U.S.
(c) and 1.989(a)-1(b) for rules for
section 1.6038-2(e)). If the tax owner is a
GAAP. The terms “extraordinary items”
determining the functional currency of a
CFP, enter the annual accounting period
and “prior period adjustments” have the


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