Form Hud-40094 - Homeownership Assistance/ Rental Housing Project Set-Up Report


Homeownership Assistance/
U.S. Department of Housing
OMB Approval No. 2506-0171
and Urban Development
(Exp. 11/30/2001)
Rental Housing
Office of Community Planning
and Development
Project Set-Up Report
Home Program Cash & Management Information System
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching
existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not conduct
or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection information unless that collecton displays a valid OMB control number.
The HOME statute imposes a significant number of data collection and reporting requirements. This includes information on assisted properties, on the owners
or tenants of the properties, and on other programmatic areas. The information will be used: 1) to assist HOME participants in managing their programs; 2)
to track performance of participants in meeting fund commitment and expenditure deadlines; 3) to permit HUD to determine whether each participant meets
the HOME statutory income targeting and affordability requirements; and 4) to permit HUD to determine compliance with other statutory and regulatory program
requirements. This data collection is authorized under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act or related authorities. Access to
Federal grant funds is contingent on the reporting of certain project-specific data elements. Records of information collected will be maintained by the recipients
of the assistance. Information on activities and expenditures of grant funds is public information and is generally available for disclosure. Recipients are
responsible for ensuring confidentiality when public disclosure is not required.
Note: Complete for all Homeownership Assistance/Rental Housing Projects
Check the Appropriate Box
prior to project set-up and send the completed form to:
Original Submission
Change Owner's Address
HOME PROGRAM, P.O. Box 23997, L'Enfant Plaza Station,
Ownership Transfer
Washington, D.C. 20026.
Part A: Call-In
Part A must be called in to HUD to set up project accounts. This completed form must be submitted to HUD immediately after project set-up call.
1. Project Number
2. Name of Participant
6. HOME Funds for Project
a. Total Funds Requested
b. Participant Number
c. Dollar Amount of Funds
3. Participant Tax ID Number
4. CHDO Tax ID Number
5. Type of Project
Acquisition Only
Substantial Rehabilitation
Moderate Rehabilitation
New Construction
8. Name & Phone Number ( including Area Code) of person completing form
9. CHDO Loan
7. Total Estimated Cost of Project (HOME-assisted units, including
other public/private funds)
Part B: Project Information
1. Street Address of Project
1a. City
1b. State
1c. Zip Code
2. Name of Owner
2a. Last Name
2b. First Name
3. Mailing Address of Owner
3a. City
3b. State
3c. Zip Code
3d. Phone (Include Area Code)
4. Name of Firm (if applicable)
5. Total Units in Project
6. Estimated Units
7. Total HOME-Assisted
Prior to Assistance
Upon Completion
Units Upon Completion
8. Type of Ownership (Check one box)
9. Tenure Type (Check one box only)
10. Complete for Community
11. County Code
Housing Development
(to be completed by
Organization Projects
Centralized States
Homeownership First-Time Buyer
(check one box)
Homeownership Rehabilitation
form HUD-40094 (12/92)
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