Instructions For Form 1120-Ric - U.s. Income Tax Return For Regulated Investment Companies - 2003 Page 10


Tax Rate Schedule
852(b)(3)(D) plus adjustments and tax
If the fund is filing Form 8844,
preference items is more than the smaller of
Empowerment Zone and Renewal Community
$40,000 or the fund’s allowable exemption
Employment Credit, or Form 8884, New York
If the investment company taxable income
(line 26, page 1) is:
amount (from Form 4626). See Form 4626 for
Liberty Zone Business Employee Credit, check
the “Form(s)” box, write the form number in the
Of the
space provided, and include the allowable
Exemption for small corporations. A fund is
But not
credit on line 4c.
treated as a small corporation exempt from the
Over —
over —
Tax is:
over —
AMT for its tax year beginning in 2003 if that
If the fund is required to file Form 3800,
year is the fund’s first tax year in existence
General Business Credit, check the “Form
(regardless of its gross receipts) or:
3800” box and include the allowable credit on
$ 7,500 + 25%
line 4c. If the fund is not required to file Form
1. It was treated as a small corporation
13,750 + 34%
3800, check the “Form(s)” box, write the form
exempt from the AMT for all prior tax years
22,250 + 39%
number in the space provided, and include on
beginning after 1997 and
335,000 10,000,000
113,900 + 34%
line 4c the allowable credit from the applicable
2. Its average annual gross receipts for the
10,000,000 15,000,000
3,400,000 + 35% 10,000,000
form listed below.
3-tax-year period (or portion thereof during
15,000,000 18,333,333
5,150,000 + 38% 15,000,000
Investment Credit (Form 3468).
which the fund was in existence) ending before
- - - - -
Work Opportunity Credit (Form 5884).
its tax year beginning in 2003 did not exceed
Credit for Alcohol Used as Fuel (Form 6478).
$7.5 million ($5 million if the fund had only 1
2. A fund that is a personal holding
Credit for Increasing Research Activities
prior tax year).
company or that is not in compliance with
(Form 6765).
Regulations section 1.852-6 is taxed at a flat
Low-Income Housing Credit (Form 8586).
Line 3d
rate of 35% on its investment company taxable
Orphan Drug Credit (Form 8820).
Deferred tax under section 1291. If the fund
Disabled Access Credit (Form 8826).
was a shareholder in a passive foreign
Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit (Form 8830).
investment company (PFIC), and the fund
Renewable Electricity Production Credit
Tax Computation Worksheet for Members
received an excess distribution or disposed of
(Form 8835).
of a Controlled Group (keep for your records)
its investment in the PFIC during the year, it
Indian Employment Credit (Form 8845).
must include the increase in taxes due under
Credit for Employer Social Security and
Note: Each member of a controlled group must
section 1291(c)(2) in the total for line 3d,
Medicare Taxes Paid on Certain Employee
compute the tax on its investment company taxable
Schedule J. On the dotted line to the left of line
Tips (Form 8846).
income using this worksheet (except funds that are
3d, Schedule J, write “Section 1291” and the
Credit for Contributions to Selected
personal holding companies or that are not in
Community Development Corporations (Form
compliance with Regulations section 1.852-6, see
Do not include on line 3d any interest due
item 2 of Line 3a above.)
Welfare-to-Work Credit (Form 8861).
under section 1291(c)(3). Instead, show the
1. Enter investment company taxable
New Markets Credit (Form 8874).
amount of interest owed in the bottom margin
income (line 26, page 1) . . . . . . . .
Credit for Small Employer Pension Plan
of page 1, Form 1120-RIC, and write “Section
Startup Costs (Form 8881).
1291 interest.” For details, see Form 8621,
2. Enter line 1 or the fund’s share of the
Credit for Employer-Provided Child Care
$50,000 taxable income bracket,
Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign
whichever is less . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Facilities and Services (Form 8882).
Investment Company or Qualified Electing
3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 . . . . . . .
Line 4d –Credit for Prior
Additional tax under section 197(f). A fund
Year Minimum Tax
4. Enter line 3 or the fund’s share of the
that elects to pay tax on the gain from the sale
$25,000 taxable income bracket,
of an intangible under the related person
To figure the minimum tax credit and any
whichever is less . . . . . . . . . . . . .
exception to the anti-churning rules should
carryforward of that credit, use Form 8827,
include any additional tax due under section
Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax —
5. Subtract line 4 from line 3 . . . . . . .
197(f)(9)(B) in the total for line 3d. On the
Corporations. Also see Form 8827 if any of the
6. Enter line 5 or the fund’s share of the
dotted line to the left of line 3d, write “Section
fund’s 2002 nonconventional source fuel credit
$9,925,000 taxable income bracket,
197” and the amount. For more information,
or qualified electric vehicle credit was
whichever is less . . . . . . . . . . . . .
see Pub. 535.
disallowed solely because of the tentative
7. Subtract line 6 from line 5 . . . . . . .
minimum tax limitation. See section 53(d).
Line 4a –Foreign Tax Credit
8. Multiply line 2 by 15% . . . . . . . . . .
Line 6 –Personal
To find out when a fund can take this credit for
9. Multiply line 4 by 25% . . . . . . . . . .
payment of income tax to a foreign country or
Holding Company Tax
U.S. possession, see Form 1118, Foreign Tax
10. Multiply line 6 by 34% . . . . . . . . . .
A fund is taxed as a personal holding company
Credit — Corporations. The fund may not claim
under section 542 if:
11. Multiply line 7 by 35% . . . . . . . . . .
this credit if an election under section 853 was
At least 60% of its adjusted ordinary gross
made for the tax year. See Item 10, Schedule
12. If the taxable income of the controlled
income for the tax year is personal holding
K, on page 12.
group exceeds $100,000, enter this
company income and
member’s share of the smaller of: 5%
At any time during the last half of the tax
Line 4b
of the taxable income in excess of
year more than 50% in value of its outstanding
If the fund can take either of the following
$100,000, or $11,750. (see the
stock is owned, directly or indirectly, by five or
credits, check the appropriate box(es) and
instructions for line 2b above) . . . . .
fewer individuals.
include the amount of the credits in the total for
See Schedule PH (Form 1120), U.S.
13. If the taxable income of the controlled
line 4b.
Personal Holding Company (PHC) Tax, for
group exceeds $15 million, enter this
Nonconventional source fuel credit. A credit
member’s share of the smaller of 3%
definitions and details on how to figure the tax.
is allowed for the sale of qualified fuels
of the taxable income in excess of $15
produced from a nonconventional source.
Line 7 –Other Taxes
million, or $100,000. (see the
Section 29 contains a definition of qualified
instructions for line 2b above) . . . . .
Include any of the following taxes and interest
fuels, provisions for figuring the credit, and
in the total on line 7. Check the appropriate
14. Total. Add lines 8 through 13. Enter
other special rules. Attach a separate schedule
box(es) for the form, if any, used to compute
here and on line 3a, Schedule J . . . .
to the return showing the computation of the
the total.
Recapture of Investment Credit
Qualified electric vehicle credit. Use Form
Line 3c – Alternative Minimum Tax
8834, Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit, if the
If the fund disposed of investment credit
corporation can claim a credit for the purchase
property or changed its use before the end of
Unless the fund is treated as a small
of a new qualified electric vehicle. Vehicles that
its useful life or recovery period, it may owe a
corporation exempt from the AMT, it may owe
qualify for this credit are not eligible for the
tax. See Form 4255, Recapture of Investment
the AMT if it has any of the adjustments and
deduction for clean-fuel vehicles under section
tax preference items listed on Form 4626,
Recapture of Low-Income Housing
Alternative Minimum Tax — Corporations. The
Line 4c –General Business Credit
fund must file Form 4626 if its investment
company taxable income (or loss) and retained
Enter on line 4c the fund’s total general
If the fund disposed of property (or there was a
capital gains not designated under section
business credit.
reduction in the qualified basis of the property)


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