Instructions For Form 8697 - 2011 Page 5


extensions) of the return for the prior
an interest rate is determined for each
individuals and other taxpayers, this
year until the earlier of:
interest accrual period. The interest
interest is not deductible.
The due date (not including
accrual period starts on the day after
Estimated Tax Penalty
extensions) of the return for the filing
the return due date (not including
year or
extensions) for each prior tax year and
Look-back interest owed is not subject
The date the return for the filing year
ends on the return due date for the
to the estimated tax penalty. See
is filed and any income tax due for that
following tax year. The interest rate in
Regulations section 1.460 – 6(f)(2)(i).
year has been fully paid.
effect for the entire interest accrual
See the instructions for the 2011 Form
period is the overpayment rate
2210, line 2 for individuals and 2011
determined under section 6621(a)(1)
The time period for determining
Form 2220, line 2(b) for corporations.
applicable on the first day of the
interest may be different in cases
interest accrual period.
involving loss or credit carrybacks or
Part II—Simplified
carryovers in order to properly reflect
Even though the interest rates
Marginal Impact Method
the time period during which the
change quarterly, for look-back
taxpayer or IRS had use of the
purposes the interest rate stays the
Part II is used only by pass-through
hypothetical underpayment or
same for the accrual period which is
entities required to apply the look-back
overpayment. See Regulations section
generally one year. The applicable
method at the entity level (see Who
1.460-6(c)(4)(ii) and (iii) for additional
interest rates for non-corporate
Must File, earlier) and taxpayers
taxpayers are shown in Table 1 (for
electing (or with an election in effect) to
If a net operating loss, capital loss,
interest accrual periods beginning after
use the simplified marginal impact
net section 1256 contracts loss, or
Jan. 1, 2004).
method. Under the simplified method,
credit carryback is being increased or
prior year hypothetical underpayments
The applicable interest rates for
decreased as a result of the adjustment
or overpayments in tax are figured
corporate taxpayers for the first
made to net income from long-term
using an assumed marginal tax rate,
$10,000 are shown in Table 2. The
contracts, the interest due or to be
which is generally the highest statutory
applicable interest rates for corporate
refunded must be computed on the
rate in effect for the prior year under
taxpayers for amounts in excess of
increase or decrease in tax attributable
section 1 (for an individual) or section
$10,000 are shown in Table 3. For
to the change to the carryback only
11 (for a corporation). This method
1120S taxpayers, the amounts in Table
from the due date (not including
eliminates the need to refigure your tax
2 are used.
extensions) of the return for the prior
liability based on actual contract price
year that generated the carryback and
Following the conversion of a C
and actual contract costs each time the
not from the due date of the return for
corporation into an S corporation, the
look-back method is applied.
the year in which the carryback was
look-back method is applied at the
absorbed. See section 6611(f).
entity level (1120S) with respect to
To elect the simplified marginal
In the case of a decrease in tax on
contracts entered into prior to the
impact method, attach a statement to
line 6, if a refund has been allowed for
conversion. See Regulations section
your timely filed income tax return
any part of the income tax liability
1.460-6(g)(3)(iv). For the C corporation
(determined with extensions) for the
shown on line 5 for any year as a result
years, the taxpayer would apply the
first tax year of the election. Indicate on
of a net operating loss, capital loss, net
rates reflected in Table 2 for the first
the statement that you are making an
section 1256 contracts loss, or credit
$10,000 and apply the rates in Table 3
election under Regulations section
carryback to such year, and the amount
for the amounts in excess of $10,000.
1.460-6(d) to use the simplified
of the refund exceeds the amount on
marginal impact method. Once made,
Line 9
line 4, interest is allowed on the amount
the election applies to all applications of
of such excess only until the due date
See If Interest Is To Be Refunded to
the look-back method in the year of the
(not including extensions) of the return
election and all later years, unless the
You, earlier, for where to file Form
for the year in which the carryback
8697. Additional interest to be refunded
IRS consents to a revocation of the
for periods after the filing date of Form
Note. If a different method of interest
8697, if any, will be computed by the
computation must be used to produce
IRS and included in your refund. Report
Columns (a), (b), and (c)
the correct result in your case, use that
the amount on line 9 (or the amount
Enter at the top of each column the
method and attach an explanation of
refunded by the IRS if different) as
ending month and year for each prior
how the interest was computed.
interest income on your income tax
tax year in which you were required to
return for the tax year in which it is
Applicable Interest Rates
report income from the completed
received or accrued.
long-term contract.
The overpayment rate designated
Line 10
under section 6621 is used to calculate
Note. If there were more than 3 prior
the interest for both hypothetical
See If You Owe Interest under Filing
tax years, attach additional Forms 8697
overpayments and underpayments. The
Instructions, earlier, for how to report
as needed. On the additional Forms
applicable interest rates are published
this amount on your tax return.
8697, enter your name, identifying
quarterly in revenue rulings in the
Corporations (other than S
number, and tax year. Complete lines 1
Internal Revenue Bulletin available at
corporations) may deduct this amount
through 9 (as applicable), but do not
(or the amount computed by the IRS if
enter totals in column (d). Enter totals
However, for contracts completed in
different) as interest expense for the tax
only in column (d) of the first Form
tax years ending after August 5, 1997,
year in which it is paid or incurred. For


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