Instructions For Form 8697 - 2011 Page 3


the corrected Form 8697, and file it
entered into during the tax year for
Regulations section
which the election is made and all later
1.460-6(c)(1)(ii)(C)(2) and identify the
If your original Form 8697 shows an
years. See section 460(b)(5) for more
contracts to which the election applies.
amount on the line for interest you owe
Delayed Reapplication Method
and the corrected Form 8697 shows an
Change Orders
For purposes of reapplying the
amount on the line for interest to be
look-back method after the year of
refunded to you, you must:
A change order for a contract is not
contract completion, you may elect the
treated as a separate contract for
1. File an amended income tax
delayed reapplication method to
purposes of applying the look-back
return showing $0 interest from Form
minimize the number of required
method unless the change order would
8697 and
reapplications of the look-back method.
be treated as a separate contract under
2. File the corrected Form 8697
Under this method, the look-back
the rules for severing and aggregating
separately (but do not write “Amended”
method is reapplied after the contract
contracts provided in Regulations
at the top of the form because this is
completion year (or after a later
section 1.460-1(e). Therefore, if a
the first Form 8697 that you will file
reapplication of the look-back method)
change order is not treated as a
only when one of the following
separate contract, that portion of the
If the original Form 8697 shows an
conditions is met for that contract:
actual contract price and contract costs
amount on the line for interest to be
attributable to the change order must
1. The net undiscounted value of
refunded to you and the corrected Form
be taken into account in allocating
increases or decreases in the contract
8697 shows an amount on the line for
contract income to all tax years of the
price occurring from the time of the last
interest you owe, you must:
contract, including tax years before the
application of the look-back method
1. File the corrected Form 8697
change order was agreed to.
exceeds the smaller of $1 million or
separately (with “Amended” written at
10% of the total contract price at that
the top) showing $0 interest to be
refunded and
2. The net undiscounted value of
2. File an amended income tax
increases or decreases in contract
return and attach a copy of the
General Rule
costs occurring from the time of the last
corrected Form 8697.
application of the look-back method
If the contract price or costs are revised
exceeds the smaller of $1 million or
to reflect amounts properly taken into
10% of the total actual contract costs at
account after the contract completion
If you need more space, attach
that time,
date for any reason, you must apply the
separate sheets to the back of Form
3. The taxpayer goes out of
look-back method in the year such
8697. Put your name and identifying
amounts are properly taken into
number on each sheet.
4. The taxpayer reasonably believes
account, even if no other contract is
the contract is finally settled and
completed in that year. Generally, the
Applying the Look-Back
closed, or
amount of each such post-completion
5. None of the above conditions
Method Under Special
adjustment to total contract price or
(1 – 4) are met by the end of the 5th tax
contract costs is discounted, solely for
year that begins after the last previous
look-back purposes, from its value at
application of the look-back method.
the time the amount is taken into
10% Method
account in computing taxable income to
To elect the delayed reapplication
its value at the time the contract was
For purposes of the percentage of
method, attach a statement to your
completed. The discount rate for this
completion method, a taxpayer may
timely filed income tax return
purpose is the Federal mid-term rate
elect to postpone recognition of income
(determined with extensions) for the
under section 1274(d) in effect at the
and expense under a long-term
first tax year of the election. Indicate on
time the amount is properly taken into
contract entered into after July 10,
the statement that you are making an
1989, until the first tax year as of the
election under Regulations section
end of which at least 10% of the
However, you may elect not to
1.460-6(e) to use the delayed
estimated total contract costs have
discount post-completion adjustments
reapplication method. Once made, the
been incurred. For purposes of the
for any contract. The election not to
election is binding for all long-term
look-back method, the recognition of
discount is made on a
contracts for which you would reapply
income and expense must be
contract-by-contract basis and is
the look-back method in the absence of
postponed for such contracts until the
binding with respect to all
the election in the year of the election
first tax year as of the end of which at
post-completion adjustments that arise
and all later years, unless the IRS
least 10% of the actual total contract
with respect to that contract. To make
consents to a revocation of the election.
costs have been incurred. Therefore,
this election, attach a statement to your
See Regulations section 1.460-6(e) for
income and expense will be allocated
timely filed income tax return
more details.
to a different tax year if the first tax year
(determined with extensions) for the
that the 10% threshold is exceeded
first tax year after completion in which
based on actual costs differs from the
you take into account any adjustment to
Specific Instructions
first tax year that the 10% threshold is
the contract price or contract costs.
exceeded based on estimated costs.
Indicate on the statement that you are
All filers must complete the information
The election to use the 10% method
making an election not to discount
at the top of the form above Part I
applies to all long-term contracts
post-completion adjustments under
according to the following instructions.


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