Instructions For Form 8697 - 2011 Page 2


taxable income from any such contract
during the election year and all later tax
Look-back interest owed is not
that is not a home construction contract
years, and may not be revoked without
subject to the estimated tax penalty.
and, therefore, must be accounted for
IRS consent. See Regulations section
See Regulations section 1.460-6(f)(2).
using the percentage of completion
1.460-6(j) for more details. If you timely
If Interest Is To Be Refunded
method for alternative minimum tax
filed your return without making the
purposes. See section 56(a)(3) for
election, you may make the election on
to You
an amended return filed no later than 6
Do not attach Form 8697 to your
months after the due date of your tax
income tax return. Instead, file Form
Small Contract Exception
return (excluding extensions). Write
8697 separately with the IRS at the
“Filed pursuant to section 301.9100” at
The look-back method does not apply
applicable address listed below.
the top of the amended return.
to any contract completed within 2
years of the contract start date if the
Filing Instructions
Department of Treasury
gross price of the contract (as of
Internal Revenue Service
contract completion) does not exceed
Philadelphia, PA 19255-0001
the smaller of:
If You Owe Interest (or No
All others:
$1 million or
Interest Is To Be Refunded to
1% of the taxpayer’s average annual
Department of Treasury
gross receipts for the 3 tax years before
Internal Revenue Service
the tax year of contract completion.
Attach Form 8697 to your income tax
Cincinnati, OH 45999-0001
return. The signature section of Form
See section 460(b)(3)(B) for details.
Complete the signature section of
8697 does not have to be completed by
Form 8697 following the instructions for
De Minimis Exception
you or the paid preparer.
the signature section of your income
You may elect not to apply the
For individuals, include any interest
tax return. If you file a joint return, the
look-back method in certain de minimis
due in the amount to be entered for
signature of both spouses is required
cases for completed contracts. The
total tax (after credits and other taxes)
on Form 8697. If additional Forms 8697
look-back method does not apply in the
on your return (for example, 2011 Form
are needed to show more than 2
following cases if the election is made.
1040, line 61). Write on the dotted line
redetermination years, sign only the
to the left of the entry space “From
1. In the completion year if, for each
first Form 8697.
Form 8697” and the amount of interest
prior contract year, the cumulative
File Form 8697 by the date you are
taxable income (or loss) actually
required to file your income tax return
reported under the contract is within
For partnerships (that are not closely
(including extensions). Keep a copy of
10% of the cumulative look-back
held), write “From Form 8697” and
Form 8697 and any attached schedules
income (or loss). Cumulative look-back
include any interest due in the bottom
for your records.
income (or loss) is the amount of
margin of the tax return. Attach a check
taxable income (or loss) that you would
or money order for the full amount
Filing a Corrected Form
have reported if you had used actual
made payable to “United States
contract price and costs instead of
Treasury.” Write the partnership’s
estimated contract price and costs.
employer identification number (EIN),
You must file a corrected Form 8697
2. In a post-completion year if, as of
daytime phone number, and “Form
only if the amount shown on Part I, line
the close of the post-completion year,
8697 Interest” on the check or money
6, or Part II, line 7, for any prior year
the cumulative taxable income (or loss)
changes as a result of an error you
under the contract is within 10% of the
For S corporations that are not
made, an income tax examination, or
cumulative look-back income (or loss)
closely held, include any interest due in
the filing of an amended tax return.
under the contract as of the close of the
the amount to be entered for additional
most recent year in which the look-back
When completing Part I, line 1, of the
taxes (for example, 2011 Form 1120S,
method was applied to the contract (or
corrected Form 8697, follow the
line 22c). Write on the dotted line to the
would have been applied if the election
instructions on the form but do not
left of the entry space “From Form
had not been made).
enter the adjusted taxable income from
8697” and the amount of interest due. A
Part I, line 3, of the original Form 8697.
closely held S corporation would also
For purposes of item 2, discounting
When completing Part I, line 5 (or Part
follow these procedures following a
under section 460(b)(2) does not apply.
II, line 6), of the corrected Form 8697,
conversion from a C corporation for the
To make the election, attach a
do not include the interest due, if any,
contracts entered into prior to the
statement to your timely filed income
from Part I, line 10 (or Part II, line 11),
conversion. See the rules related to
tax return (determined with extensions)
of the original Form 8697 that was
Mid-Contract Change in Taxpayer,
for the first tax year of the election.
included in your total tax when Form
Write at the top of the statement
8697 was filed with your tax return.
For closely held pass-through
If both the original and corrected
entities, look-back interest is applied at
UNDER SECTION 460(b)(6).” Include
Forms 8697 show an amount on the
the owner level and not the entity level.
on the statement your name, identifying
line for interest you owe, file an
number, and the effective date of the
For corporations, include the amount
amended income tax return.
election. Also identify the trades or
of interest due on the appropriate line
If both the original and corrected
businesses that involve long-term
of Form 1120, Schedule J, Part I (for
Forms 8697 show an amount on the
contracts. Once made, the election
example, 2011 Form 1120, Schedule J,
line for interest to be refunded to you,
applies to all contracts completed
line 9c).
write “Amended” in the top margin of


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