Instructions For Form 8697 - 2011


Instructions for Form 8697
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
(Rev. December 2011)
Interest Computation Under the Look-Back Method for Completed Long-Term
Section references are to the Internal
long-term contract entered into after
Schedule K-1 the information you need
February 28, 1986, that you accounted
to complete this form.
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.
for using either the percentage of
General Instructions
Mid-Contract Change in
completion method or the percentage of
completion-capitalized cost method for
What’s New
Federal income tax purposes. You also
If prior to the completion of a long-term
must file Form 8697 for any tax year,
contract accounted for using the
Form 8697 has been revised to
subsequent to the year of completion,
percentage of completion method or the
provide a column for the filing year. The
in which the contract price or contract
percentage of completion capitalized
cumulative effect of applying the
costs are adjusted for one or more of
cost method, there is a transaction that
look-back method is taken into account
these long-term contracts from a prior
makes another taxpayer responsible for
beginning in the filing year even though
accounting for income from the same
look-back interest is not computed for
contract, the taxpayer responsible for
that year. Income is hypothetically
Pass-Through Entities
computing look-back interest depends
reallocated to or from the filing year or
on whether the ownership change is
to or from the redetermination years.
A pass-through entity (partnership, S
due to a constructive completion
Look-back does not create or decrease
corporation, or trust) that is not closely
transaction or a step-in-the shoes
income, it only hypothetically changes
held must apply the look-back method
transaction. For guidance regarding
the tax year of recognition.
at the entity level to any contract for
these transactions, see Regulations
A second signature line has been
which at least 95% of the gross income
1.460-4(g). In the case of constructive
added for the spouse’s signature if a
is from U.S. sources. A pass-through
completion transactions, the old
joint tax return was filed.
entity is considered closely held if, at
taxpayer treats the contract as
The tax rates used for the interest
any time during any tax year for which
completed in the transaction year and
computation have changed. See the
there is income under the contract,
applies the look-back method to the
instructions for line 2, later.
50% or more (by value) of the
pre-transaction years. The new
The IRS has created a page on
beneficial interests in the entity is held
taxpayer is treated as entering into a for information about Form
(directly or indirectly) by or for five or
new contract and applies the look-back
fewer persons. For this purpose, rules
8697 and its instructions, at
method to the post-transaction years
gov/form8697. Information about any
similar to the constructive ownership
upon the contract’s completion. In the
future developments affecting Form
rules of section 1563(e) apply. For a
case of step-in-the-shoes transactions,
8697 (such as legislation enacted after
mid-contract change in taxpayer
the new taxpayer applies the look-back
we release it) will be posted on that
resulting in the conversion of a C
method to both the pre and post
corporation into an S corporation, the
transaction years. See Regulations
look-back method is applied at the
section 1.460-6(g) for additional
Purpose of Form
entity level with respect to contracts
entered into prior to the conversion
Use Form 8697 to figure the interest
Exception for Certain
regardless of whether the S corporation
due or to be refunded under the
is considered closely held. See the
look-back method of section 460(b)(2)
Construction Contracts
section discussing Mid-Contract
on certain long-term contracts that are
The look-back method does not apply
Change in Taxpayer.
accounted for under either the
to the regular taxable income from:
percentage of completion method or the
Any home construction contract (as
If you are an owner of an interest in
percentage of completion-capitalized
defined in section 460(e)(6)(A)) or
a pass-through entity for every year in
cost method. For guidance concerning
Any other construction contract
which a long-term contract was being
these methods, see Regulations
entered into by a taxpayer: (a) who
accounted for under the percentage of
section 1.460-4. For details and
estimates the contract will be
completion method or the percentage of
computational examples illustrating the
completed within 2 years from the date
completion-capitalized cost method and
use of the look-back method, see
the contract begins and (b) whose
the pass-through entity is not subject to
Regulations section 1.460-6.
average annual gross receipts for the 3
the look-back method at the entity level,
tax years preceding the tax year in
you must file this form for your tax year
Who Must File
which the contract is entered into do
that ends with or includes the end of
not exceed $10 million. See section
the entity’s tax year in which the
General Rule
contract was completed or adjusted in a
You must file Form 8697 for each tax
post-completion tax year. The
However, the look-back method
year in which you completed a
pass-through entity will provide on
does apply to the alternative minimum
Feb 22, 2012
Cat. No. 10703K


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