Form Eft-1 - Authorization Agreement For Electronic Funds Transfer (Eft) - Hawaii Department Of Taxation Page 2

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(REV. 2016)
Changing Bank Information for ACH Debit Method
Access Code __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Date bank information will be changed:
Account Name
Account Number (Not to exceed 17 digits)
Bank Name
Transfer/Routing Number (Requires 9 digits)
Reminder: Please attach voided check.
Account Name
Account Number (Not to exceed 17 digits)
Bank Name
Transfer/Routing Number (Requires 9 digits)
Bulk Filing website are ACH Debit transactions.
A processing fee will apply to each transaction
Please make a copy of your application for
Form EFT-1 must be signed by an owner,
made through the Internet Bulk Filing website.
your records.
partner or member, fiduciary, or officer.
Method II — ACH Debit (Payment through
For more information, see Tax Information
If you wish to use Method II, Form EFT-1 must
Release (TIR) No. 95-06, “Questions and An-
be signed by an owner, partner or member, fidu-
the telephone)
swers on Paying Taxes by Electronic Funds
ciary, or officer who is authorized to sign checks
Check the box for Method II if you wish to pay
Transfer;” TIR No. 99-01, “Filing of Tax Returns
drawn on the account identified on the form.
by ACH Debit (Payment through the telephone).
Required by Taxpayers Who Pay Taxes by Elec-
Please provide your complete bank information
tronic Funds Transfer (EFT);” TIR No. 2004-01,
and attach a voided check.
If you checked Method II or Method III, you
“Act 113, Session Laws of Hawaii 2004, Relating
to Income Tax Withholding;” and Tax Announce-
If you will be paying for more than one tax
will receive a confirmation letter in the mail. The
ment 2011-04, “Additional Tax Types Required to
type using the same bank account and same
letter will include instructions for how to make a
be Paid by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).”
HTIN, complete only one Form EFT-1. You may
payment using your chosen method. No ACH
PENALTIES. Section 231-9.9, Hawaii Re-
pay for any of the taxes listed on the form by EFT
Debit or ACH Credit EFT payments should be
even if you do not exceed $100,000 for that par-
attempted before the confirmation letter is re-
vised Statutes (HRS), imposes a penalty of 2%
ticular tax type ($40,000 for withholding taxes).
of the tax due if those who are required to make
Method II applicants will also receive their ac-
payments by EFT do not do so on or before the
If you will be using more than one bank ac-
date prescribed without reasonable cause. This
count or HTIN, please complete a Form EFT-1
cess code with the confirmation letter. The per-
is in addition to any other penalties. Also, section
for each account or HTIN you will be using.
sonal identification number (PIN) will be mailed
40-35.5, HRS, allows the Department to assess
under separate cover from the data collection
The bank information can be obtained from
a $25 service fee on electronic funds transfer
your bank or at the bottom of the check.
payments that are dishonored. This service fee
Method III applicants should be aware that
Account number should not exceed 17 digits.
cannot be waived.
the Department may withdraw its approval for
Transfer/Routing Number requires 9 digits.
use of ACH Credit for failure to conform to the
Omit hyphens in your bank numbers.
requirements for ACH Credit transactions.
Please remember to attach a voided check
Part I
Taxpayer Information
Method I applicants will NOT be sent a
from the bank account you want debited.
confirmation letter in the mail. After submit-
Enter the identification number for the tax
Method III — ACH Credit
ting your Form EFT-1 to notify us of your in-
type. If you have more than one Hawaii Tax Iden-
tent to file and pay using our Electronic Ser-
tification Number (HTIN) for a tax type you are
Check the box for Method III if you wish to pay
vices website, you must register for an E-File
paying by EFT, you must submit a separate Form
by ACH Credit.
account at or the
EFT-1 for that HTIN. All taxpayer information
Some financial institutions offer ACH origina-
Department’s Internet Bulk Filing website at
must be completed and must match the taxpayer Afterwards, you will
tion services. Contact your bank to determine
information on file with the Department.
what ACH origination services it offers and the
receive an e-mailed confirmation of your registra-
Part II
Method of EFT Payment
costs of ACH Credit service. You cannot use
Method III unless your bank can initiate transac-
Check the applicable box to indicate your
You must submit a Form EFT-1 if you wish to
tions in the CCD+TXP format.
method of EFT payment.
change from one ACH payment method to the
Please remember that if you use Method III,
other. You must continue making your tax pay-
the Department is not responsible for the suc-
ments through EFT using the method in use until
Department’s Electronic Services Website
cessful completion of EFT transactions that are
you receive confirmation authorizing the change
required by law. Furthermore, the Department
or Internet Bulk Filing Website
and the effective date of the change.
will not pay any costs your financial institution
If you have any questions, please contact the
Check the box for Method I to notify the De-
may charge you for its services.
Department’s Electronic Processing Section at:
partment that you will make your tax payments
Part III
Changing Bank Information
through the Department’s Electronic Services
website or Internet Bulk Filing website.
for ACH Debit Method
Telephone: 808-543-6814
Fax: 808-587-1488
At the Electronic Services website, you have
Provide your complete bank information for
Mail the completed Form EFT-1 to:
the option of paying by credit card or by electronic
your old bank account and your new bank ac-
check (eCheck). A processing fee applies for all
EFT Program
count. If you are changing your bank informa-
payments made through the Electronic Services
Hawaii Department of Taxation
tion and the effective date of change is noted on
website. Credit card payments are also subject to
Form EFT-1, the change will be done no earlier
P.O. Box 259
a 2.4% service fee on the payment amount. You
than that date.
Honolulu, HI 96809-0259
are responsible for these fees. All fees are non-
Please remember to attach a voided check
waivable. Payments made through the Internet
from the new bank account you want debited.


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