Publication 926 - Household Employer'S Tax Guide - Internal Revenue Service - 2012 Page 8


Up to $125 (subject to change) per month for 2012
is not required, you must notify the employee by
for transit passes you give your employee (or for any
February 7, 2013.
cash reimbursement you make for the amount your
You must give your household employee a notice about
employee pays for transit passes used to commute
the EIC if you agree to withhold federal income tax from the
to your home if you qualify for this exclusion). A
employee’s wages (as discussed earlier under Do You
transit pass includes any pass, token, fare card,
Need To Withhold Federal Income Tax?) and the income
voucher, or similar item entitling a person to ride on
tax withholding tables show that no tax should be withheld.
mass transit, such as a bus or train. See Publication
Even if not required, you are encouraged to give the
15-B for special requirements for this exclusion.
employee a notice about the EIC if his or her 2012 wages
Up to $240 per month for 2012 for the value of
are less than $36,920 ($42,130 if married filing joint).
parking you provide your employee or for any cash
reimbursement you make for the amount your em-
ployee pays and substantiates for parking at or near
How Do You Make
your home or at or near a location from which your
employee commutes to your home.
Tax Payments?
See Publication 15 (Circular E) for more information on
When you file your 2012 federal income tax return in 2013,
cash and noncash wages.
attach Schedule H (Form 1040), Household Employment
Taxes, to your Form 1040, 1040NR, 1040-SS, or 1041.
Paying tax without withholding. Any income tax you
Use Schedule H to figure your total household employment
pay for your employee without withholding it from the
employee’s wages must be included in the employee’s
taxes (social security, Medicare, FUTA, and withheld fed-
wages for federal income tax purposes. It also must be
eral income taxes). Add these household employment
included in social security and Medicare wages and in
taxes to your income tax. Pay the amount due by April 15,
federal unemployment (FUTA) wages.
2013. (For more information about using Schedule H, see
Schedule H under What Forms Must You File, later.)
You can avoid owing tax with your return if you pay
What Do You Need To Know
enough tax during the year to cover your household em-
About the Earned Income
ployment taxes, as well as your income tax. You can pay
the additional tax in any of the following ways.
Ask your employer to withhold more federal income
tax from your wages in 2012.
Certain workers can take the earned income credit (EIC)
Ask the payer of your pension or annuity to withhold
on their federal income tax return. This credit reduces their
more federal income tax from your benefits.
tax or allows them to receive a payment from the IRS. You
also may have to give your employee a notice about the
Make estimated tax payments for 2012 to the IRS.
Increase your payments if you already make esti-
mated tax payments.
Notice about the EIC. Copy B of the 2012 Form W-2,
Wage and Tax Statement, has a statement about the EIC
on the back. If you give your employee that copy by
You may be subject to the estimated tax un-
January 31, 2013 (as discussed under Form W-2 under
derpayment penalty if you did not pay enough
What Forms Must You File, later), you do not have to give
income and household employment taxes during
the employee any other notice about the EIC.
the year. (See Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Esti-
If you do not give your employee Copy B of the Form
mated Tax, for information about the underpayment pen-
W-2, your notice about the EIC can be any of the following
alty.) However, you will not be subject to the penalty if both
of the following situations apply to you.
1. A substitute Form W-2 with the same EIC information
You will not have federal income tax withheld from
on the back of the employee’s copy that is on Copy B
wages, pensions, or any other payments you re-
of the Form W-2.
2. Notice 797, Possible Federal Tax Refund Due to the
Your income taxes, excluding your household em-
Earned Income Credit (EIC).
ployment taxes, would not be enough to require pay-
ment of estimated taxes.
3. Your own written statement with the same wording
as in Notice 797.
Asking for more federal income tax withholding. If you
are employed and want more federal income tax withheld
If a substitute Form W-2 is given on time but does not have
from your wages to cover your household employment
the required EIC information, you must notify the employee
taxes, give your employer a new Form W-4, Employee’s
within one week of the date the substitute Form W-2 is
Withholding Allowance Certificate. Complete it as before,
given. If Form W-2 is required but is not given on time, you
but show the additional amount you want withheld from
must give the employee Notice 797 or your written state-
each paycheck on line 6.
ment about the 2012 EIC by January 31, 2013. If Form W-2
Page 8
Publication 926 (March 2012)


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