Form 502xs - Maryland Short Amended Tax Return - 2010 Page 4

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Line 13 – Multiply the number of exemptions
to reflect the correct amount of exemptions;
and use column B to reflect the difference
on line 12 by $1,000 and enter the result on
between the two columns .
line 13 .
Line 6 – Enter the number of exemptions for
Line 14 – Add the amount from Column B,
yourself and your spouse, if applicable from
line 11 to the amount in Column B of line 13,
your original or previously adjusted return .
and enter the result on line 14 and on line 4
Note: There is no change permitted on this
on page 1 of Form 502XS .
You need to complete Part II only if you are
line . If you need to make an adjustment due
changing the exemptions from your original
Line 15 – Identify any additional exemptions
to a filing status change, you must file Form
return or your previously adjusted return . If
being claimed on Form 502XS, that did not
502X .
you are making no adjustments to your
appear on your original return . Indicate by
exemptions, leave Part II blank .
Line 7 – Enter the number of exemptions for
checking the applicable box in Column (d) if
your dependent children .
the dependent claimed is 65 years or older .
Please refer to our resident instructions to
determine the correct amount of exemptions
Line 8 – Enter the number of other depen-
If you claim more dependent exemptions, and
you may claim . Resident instructions are
dents .
you fail to complete this area, the additional
available for download at our Web site at
exemptions will be disallowed .
www .marylandtaxes .com
Line 9 – Enter the number of exemptions for
other dependents who are age 65 or over .
If you are claiming more dependent
exemptions than you claimed on your original
Line 10 – Enter the sum of lines 6 through 9
return, you must complete lines 6 through 15 .
in Columns A, B and C .
If you are claiming fewer exemptions, com-
Line 11 – For 2010, multiply the number of
plete lines 6 through 14 .
exemptions by the amount on the chart in
Line by Line Instructions for Part II -
Instruction 10 of the resident tax booklet .
Exemptions. For each of the lines refer-
Line 12 – Enter the number of exemptions for
enced below: use Column A to represent
you and your spouse that relate to an age
the amounts from your original return (or
exemption or a blindness exemption .
previously adjusted return); use Column C


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