Irs Publication 1544 - Reporting Cash Payments - 2012 Page 5


security number, your filing status, and the
or look in the phone book un­
and who need to resolve a tax problem. These
exact whole dollar amount of your refund. If
der United States Government, Internal
clinics provide professional representation be­
you check the status of your refund and
Revenue Service.
fore the IRS or in court on audits, appeals, tax
are not given the date it will be issued,
collection disputes, and other issues for free or
please wait until the next week before
for a small fee. Some clinics can provide infor­
Mail. You can send your order for
checking back.
mation about taxpayer rights and responsibili­
forms, instructions, and publications to
Other refund information. To check the sta­
ties in many different languages for individuals
the address below. You should re­
tus of a prior­year refund or amended re­
who speak English as a second language. For
ceive a response within 10 days after your re­
turn refund, call 1­800­829­1040.
more information and to find a clinic near you,
quest is received.
see the LITC page on
IRS Publication 4134, Low Income Taxpayer
Internal Revenue Service
Clinic List. This publication is also available by
1201 N. Mitsubishi Motorway
Evaluating the quality of our telephone
calling 1­800­829­3676 or at your local IRS of­
Bloomington, IL 61705­6613
services. To ensure IRS representatives give
accurate, courteous, and professional answers,
we use several methods to evaluate the quality
Free tax services. Publication 910, IRS Guide
of our telephone services. One method is for a
Taxpayer Advocate Service. The Taxpayer
to Free Tax Services, is your guide to IRS serv­
second IRS representative to listen in on or re­
Advocate Service (TAS) is your voice at the
ices and resources. Learn about free tax infor­
cord random telephone calls. Another is to ask
IRS. Our job is to ensure that every taxpayer is
mation from the IRS, including publications,
some callers to complete a short survey at the
treated fairly, and that you know and under­
services, and education and assistance pro­
end of the call.
stand your rights. We offer free help to guide
grams. The publication also has an index of
you through the often­confusing process of re­
Walk-in. Many products and services
over 100 TeleTax topics (recorded tax informa­
solving tax problems that you haven’t been able
are available on a walk­in basis.
tion) you can listen to on the telephone. The
to solve on your own. Remember, the worst
majority of the information and services listed in
thing you can do is nothing at all.
Products. You can walk in to many post of­
this publication are available to you free of
TAS can help if you can’t resolve your prob­
fices, libraries, and IRS offices to pick up
charge. If there is a fee associated with a re­
lem with the IRS and:
certain forms, instructions, and publica­
source or service, it is listed in the publication.
Your problem is causing financial difficul­
tions. Some IRS offices, libraries, grocery
Accessible versions of IRS published prod­
ties for you, your family, or your business.
stores, copy centers, city and county gov­
ucts are available on request in a variety of al­
You face (or your business is facing) an
ernment offices, credit unions, and office
ternative formats for people with disabilities.
immediate threat of adverse action.
supply stores have a collection of products
You have tried repeatedly to contact the
DVD for tax products. You can order
available to print from a CD or photocopy
IRS but no one has responded, or the IRS
Publication 1796, IRS Tax Products
from reproducible proofs. Also, some IRS
has not responded to you by the date
DVD, and obtain:
offices and libraries have the Internal Rev­
Current­year forms, instructions, and publi­
enue Code, regulations, Internal Revenue
Bulletins, and Cumulative Bulletins availa­
If you qualify for our help, we’ll do everything
Prior­year forms, instructions, and publica­
ble for research purposes.
we can to get your problem resolved. You will
Services. You can walk in to your local
be assigned to one advocate who will be with
Tax Map: an electronic research tool and
Taxpayer Assistance Center every busi­
you at every turn. We have offices in every
finding aid.
ness day for personal, face­to­face tax
state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
Tax law frequently asked questions.
help. An employee can explain IRS letters,
Although TAS is independent within the IRS,
request adjustments to your tax account,
Tax Topics from the IRS telephone re­
our advocates know how to work with the IRS to
or help you set up a payment plan. If you
sponse system.
get your problems resolved. And our services
need to resolve a tax problem, have ques­
Internal Revenue Code—Title 26 of the
are always free.
tions about how the tax law applies to your
U.S. Code.
As a taxpayer, you have rights that the IRS
individual tax return, or you are more com­
Links to other Internet based Tax Re­
must abide by in its dealings with you. Our tax
fortable talking with someone in person,
search Materials.
toolkit at
visit your local Taxpayer Assistance Cen­
Fill­in, print, and save features for most tax
help you understand these rights.
ter where you can spread out your records
If you think TAS might be able to help you,
and talk with an IRS representative
Internal Revenue Bulletins.
call your local advocate, whose number is in
face­to­face. No appointment is neces­
your phone book and on our website at
Toll­free and email technical support.
sary—just walk in. If you prefer, you can
. You can also call our
Two releases during the year.
call your local Center and leave a message
toll­free number at 1­877­777­4778.
– The first release will ship the beginning of
requesting an appointment to resolve a tax
TAS also handles large­scale or systemic
account issue. A representative will call
problems that affect many taxpayers. If you
– The final release will ship the beginning
you back within 2 business days to sched­
know of one of these broad issues, please re­
of March.
ule an in­person appointment at your con­
port it to us through our Systemic Advocacy
venience. If you have an ongoing, complex
Management System at .
Purchase the DVD from National Technical In­
tax account problem or a special need,
formation Service (NTIS) at
such as a disability, an appointment can be
Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs).
for $30 (no handling fee) or call
requested. All other issues will be handled
Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs) are inde­
1­877­233­6767 toll free to buy the DVD for $30
without an appointment. To find the num­
pendent from the IRS. Some clinics serve indi­
(plus a $6 handling fee).
ber of your local office, go to
viduals whose income is below a certain level
Publication 1544 (September 2012)
Page 5


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