Irs Publication 1544 - Reporting Cash Payments - 2012 Page 3


Exception for certain bank loans. A cash­
ultimate consumers in the ordinary course
More than 24 hours between transactions.
ier's check, bank draft, traveler's check, or
of your trade or business.
Transactions are related even if they are more
money order is not treated as cash if it is the
than 24 hours apart if you know, or have reason
proceeds from a bank loan. As proof that it is
Taxpayer Identification
to know, that each is one of a series of connec­
from a bank loan, you may rely on a copy of the
ted transactions.
Number (TIN)
loan document, a written statement or lien in­
For example, you are a travel agent. A client
struction from the bank, or similar proof.
pays you $8,000 in cash for a trip. Two days
You must furnish the correct TIN of the person
later, the same client pays you $3,000 more in
or persons from whom you receive the cash. If
Example. You are a car dealer. Mandy
cash to include another person on the trip.
the transaction is conducted on the behalf of
White buys a new car from you for $11,500.
These are related transactions, and you must
another person or persons, you must furnish the
She pays you with $2,000 of U.S. currency and
file Form 8300 to report them.
TIN of that person or persons. If you do not
a cashier's check for $9,500 payable to you and
know a person's TIN, you have to ask for it. You
her. You can tell that the cashier's check is the
What About
may be subject to penalties for an incorrect or
proceeds of a bank loan because it includes in­
Suspicious Transactions?
missing TIN.
structions to you to have a lien put on the car as
security for the loan. For this reason, the cash­
There are three types of TINs.
If you receive $10,000 or less in cash, you may
ier's check is not treated as cash. You do not
1. The TIN for an individual, including a sole
voluntarily file Form 8300 if the transaction ap­
have to file Form 8300 for the transaction.
proprietor, is the individual's social secur­
pears to be suspicious.
ity number (SSN).
Exception for certain installment sales. A
A transaction is suspicious if it appears that
cashier's check, bank draft, traveler's check, or
2. The TIN for a nonresident alien individual
a person is trying to cause you not to file Form
money order is not treated as cash if it is re­
who needs a TIN but is not eligible to get
8300 or is trying to cause you to file a false or
ceived in payment on a promissory note or an
an SSN is an IRS individual taxpayer iden­
incomplete Form 8300, or if there is a sign of
installment sales contract (including a lease that
tification number (ITIN). An ITIN has nine
possible illegal activity.
is considered a sale for federal tax purposes).
digits, similar to an SSN.
However, this exception applies only if:
If you are suspicious, you are encouraged to
3. The TIN for other persons, including cor­
call the local IRS Criminal Investigation Division
1. You use similar notes or contracts in other
porations, partnerships, and estates, is the
as soon as possible. Or, you can call the Fin­
sales to ultimate consumers in the ordi­
employer identification number (EIN).
CEN Financial Institution Hotline toll free at
nary course of your trade or business, and
Exception. You are not required to provide the
2. The total payments for the sale that you
TIN of a person who is a nonresident alien indi­
receive on or before the 60th day after the
vidual or a foreign organization if that person or
When, Where,
sale are 50% or less of the purchase price.
foreign organization:
and What To File
Exception for certain down payment plans.
1. Does not have income effectively connec­
A cashier's check, bank draft, traveler's check,
ted with the conduct of a U.S. trade or
or money order is not treated as cash if you re­
The amount you receive and when you receive
ceived it in payment for a consumer durable or
it determine when you must file. Generally, you
2. Does not have an office or place of busi­
collectible, and all three of the following state­
must file Form 8300 within 15 days after receiv­
ness, or a fiscal or paying agent in the Uni­
ments are true.
ing a payment. If the Form 8300 due date (the
ted States;
15th or last day you can timely file the form) falls
1. You receive it under a payment plan re­
on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, it is de­
3. Does not file a federal tax return;
layed until the next day that is not a Saturday,
4. Does not furnish a withholding certificate
a. One or more down payments, and
Sunday, or legal holiday.
described in §1.1441­1(e)(2) or (3) or
b. Payment of the rest of the purchase
1.1441­5(c)(2)(iv) or (3)(iii) to the extent
More than one payment. In some transac­
price by the date of sale.
required under 1.1441­1(e)(4)(vii);
tions, the buyer may arrange to pay you in cash
2. You receive it more than 60 days before
installment payments. If the first payment is
5. Does not have to furnish a TIN on any re­
the date of sale.
more than $10,000, you must file Form 8300
turn, statement, or other document as re­
within 15 days. If the first payment is not more
quired by the income tax regulations under
3. You use payment plans with the same or
than $10,000, you must add the first payment
section 897 or 1445; or
substantially similar terms when selling to
and any later payments made within 1 year of
ultimate consumers in the ordinary course
6. In the case of a nonresident alien individ­
the first payment. When the total cash pay­
of your trade or business.
ual, the individual has not chosen to file a
ments are more than $10,000, you must file
joint federal income tax return with a
Form 8300 within 15 days.
Exception for travel and entertainment. A
spouse who is a U.S. citizen or resident.
After you file Form 8300, you must start a
cashier's check, bank draft, traveler's check, or
new count of cash payments received from that
money order received for travel or entertain­
What Is a
buyer. If you receive more than $10,000 in addi­
ment is not treated as cash if all three of the fol­
Related Transaction?
tional cash payments from that buyer within a
lowing statements are true.
12­month period, you must file another Form
1. You receive it under a payment plan re­
8300. You must file the form within 15 days of
Any transactions between a buyer (or an agent
the payment that causes the additional pay­
of the buyer) and a seller that occur within a
ments to total more than $10,000.
a. One or more down payments, and
24­hour period are related transactions. If you
If you are already required to file Form 8300
receive over $10,000 in cash during two or
b. Payment of the rest of the purchase
and you receive additional payments within the
more transactions with one buyer in a 24­hour
price by the earliest date that any
15 days before you must file, you can report all
period, you must treat the transactions as one
travel or entertainment item (such as
the payments on one form.
transaction and report the payments on Form
airfare) is furnished for the trip or en­
tertainment event.
Example. On January 10, you receive a
cash payment of $11,000. You receive addi­
For example, if you sell two products for
2. You receive it more than 60 days before
tional cash payments on the same transaction
$6,000 each to the same customer in 1 day and
the date on which the final payment is due.
of $4,000 on February 15, $5,000 on March 20,
the customer pays you in cash, these are rela­
3. You use payment plans with the same or
ted transactions. Because they total $12,000
and $6,000 on May 12. By January 25, you
substantially similar terms when selling to
(more than $10,000), you must file Form 8300.
must file a Form 8300 for the $11,000 payment.
Publication 1544 (September 2012)
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