Form 477 - Local Telephone Competition And Broadband Reporting Page 4


FCC Form 477 --
Part II:
Local Telephone Competition and Broadband Reporting
Wireline and Fixed Wireless Local Telephone
OMB NO: 3060-0816
Complete Part II if you provided one or more voice-grade equivalent lines or wireless voice-grade equivalent channels used for local exchange or exchange access service in the state. See Instructions
about including lines provisioned over channelized high-capacity facilities, including PRI circuits used to provide local connectivity to dial-up ISPs. Also see Instructions for definitions of "voice
telephone service", "voice-grade equivalent", "end user", "residential lines", "presubscribed interstate long distance carrier", "own local loop facilities", and "UNE-Platform".
If in Part II you report voice-grade equivalent lines or voice-grade equivalent wireless channels for service provided to end users, you must provide in Part V a list containing the 5-digit Zip Codes of the
locations to which you provide those lines or channels. See Instructions.
Do not report anywhere in the form special access lines or any high-capacity connections between two locations of the same end user customer, ISP or communications carrier. Note that competitive LECs
(CLECs) typically do not provide either Total Service Resale or UNE arrangements. Therefore, on Line II-3 of Part II, CLECs typically report any wholesale switched voice lines and channels sold to unaffiliated
communications carriers.
Data as of June 30, 2008
Percentages of lines and wireless channels reported in (a)
Total voice-grade
equivalent lines and voice-
grade equivalent wireless
channels in service
II.A. Voice telephone service provided to end users.
II - 1.
Total lines and channels you provided to end users.
Voice telephone service that you provided to unaffiliated
communications carriers, categorized by:
II - 2.
Lines and channels you provided to unaffiliated communications
carriers under Total Service Resale arrangements.
II - 3.
Lines and channels you provided to unaffiliated communications
carriers under other resale arrangements, such as resold
Centrex or resold channelized special access service.
UNE loops that you provided to unaffiliated communications carriers,
Total lines and wireless
categorized by:
II - 4.
Lines and channels that you provided to unaffiliated
communications carriers under a UNE loop arrangement, where
you did not provide switching for the line.
II - 5.
Lines and channels that you provided to unaffiliated
communications carriers under a UNE loop arrangement, where you
also provided switching for the line ("UNE-Platform").


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