Form 477 - Local Telephone Competition And Broadband Reporting Page 2


FCC Form 477 --
Part I:
Local Telephone Competition and Broadband Reporting
OMB NO: 3060-0816
Complete Part I.A if you provide one or more lines or wireless channels in the state that connect end users to the Internet at information transfer rates exceeding 200 kbps in at least one
direction. For this purpose, include connections provided over your own local loop facilities or over lines or wireless channels you provisioned to enable information transfer at the end user
location at rates exceeding 200 kbps in at least one direction. See Instructions for definitions of "broadband", "end user", "own local loop facilities", and "residential end user premises".
If you complete Part I.A, you must provide in Part V specified lists of 5-digit Zip Codes. See Instructions.
Do not report anywhere in the form any high-capacity connections between two locations of the same end user customer, ISP or communications carrier.
Data as of June 30, 2008
Percentages of lines and wireless channels reported in (a), and
Lines and wireless channels connecting end users to the Internet that you
That have information transfer rates exceeding 200 kbps in both directions,
provided over your own local loop facilities, or over UNE loops or other lines
and wireless channels that you obtained from unaffiliated entities and
equipped as broadband, categorized by technology at the end user location.
I - 1.
Asymmetric xDSL.
I - 2.
Symmetric xDSL.
I - 3.
Traditional wireline such as T-carrier.
I - 4.
Cable modem.
I - 5.
Optical carrier (fiber to the end user).
I - 6.
I - 7.
Terrestrial fixed wireless (licensed or unlicensed).
I - 8.
Terrestrial mobile wireless (licensed or unlicensed).
I - 9.
Electric power line.
I - 10.
All other technologies. Report specific technology and the
corresponding number of connections in the comment section
of Part IV.
Note: In Part I.A, report actual counts of connections. Do not report voice-grade equivalent measures.


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