Form 477 - Local Telephone Competition And Broadband Reporting


FCC Form 477 --
Cover Page:
Local Telephone Competition and Broadband Reporting
Name & Contact Information
OMB NO: 3060-0816
Data as of
All filers must complete Items 1 through 8 of this Cover Page.
June 30, 2008
Review Instructions before completing this form. Instructions are posted at:
Ensure files are virus free by using up-to-date virus detection software. Filers are
encouraged to submit files via email (address:
Filers must report data for ILEC and non-ILEC operations on separate forms.
Use the following drop-down box to indicate whether this worksheet contains data
2) If you are filing original or revised data for an earlier
for ILEC or for non-ILEC operations.
semi-annual reporting period, do not use this particular
Click and select from drop-down list
form (which is only for data as of June 30, 2008).
See reminder 4.
Use the following drop-down box to select the name of your parent or controlling entity. If you are not
affiliated with any other filer, select your company name. Select "not shown" if no appropriate name
3) You may not insert or delete columns or rows, move
appears in the list. See Instructions section IV.B.1 for information on preparing file names.
cells, or edit text or numbers outside the cells provided
Click and select from drop-down list
for data entries. Filers will be required to correct and resubmit any
files that cannot be opened in EXCEL 2003, any files whose
If you selected "not shown" above, then provide the following:
structure has been altered, and any files with improper names.
Parent or controlling entity name (if none, enter company name).
4) If you have questions about the form, contact the
Wireline Competition Bureau, Industry Analysis and
Filers must report data for different states in separate forms.
Technology Division at (202) 418-0940; via email
Click and select from drop-down list
at; or via TTY at (202) 418-0484.
Contact person (person who prepared the data contained below).
5) You must submit a Certification Statement signed by
an officer of your company. A single statement may
cover all files submitted. See Instructions sections IV & V.
Contact person telephone number and email address.
Name your files as specified in Instructions section IV.B.1. To assist you, complete this Cover Page to
generate an "example" name, below. Replace the character "#" in this example name with a sequence
number as specified in Instructions. This number should be "1" unless using "1" would cause you to
submit more than one file with the identical file name.
Indicate whether this is an original or revised filing.
Click and select from drop-down list
Example >>>
Indicate whether you request non-disclosure of some or all of the information in this file
because you believe that this information is privileged and confidential and public disclosure
of such information would likely cause substantial harm to the competitive position of the filer.
Click and select from drop-down list


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