Official Apology Letter Sample Page 3


Model Answer
Dear Sir/Madam,
I registered for the university entrance exam held last Saturday. My candidate
number is 12345. I am writing to apologize for missing the examination for your
university on Tuesday, 24 April, and to request another opportunity to attempt
the exam.
I would like to explain why I could not attend the exam, and hope that you will
be able to make an allowance for me, given the unfortunate circumstances
surrounding my absence. As you know, the bus drivers have been on strike
recently. I am particularly affected by this since I live in a remote village,
Buckleweed, where there is only one viable transport, buses. Unfortunately, I was
not able to find anyone who could offer me a ride on the exam day, so I could
not reach Oxford for the entrance exam.
I would therefore like to apologize again for missing the exam, and to request
your understanding of my situation. I hope you can offer me an alternative date
to sit the exam.
Yours respectfully,
David Hunt
word count - 170


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