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conference, the Northern Virginia district
evaluated in this report, at about 8.5 percent
7610 joined in as well. The third conference
on average for the three years using the
was for district 7620 only. The total
approach just outlined, may be lower than is
typical in other districts.
combined is estimated at about 1,050
In addition, one should include the
Rotarians and guests.
time spent by district leadership teams and
The first two conferences started on
conference committee members as well as
a Thursday afternoon and ended on Sunday
district executive secretaries in preparing the
around noon or shortly thereafter. The third
conferences. It is not unrealistic to suggest
conference started on a Friday at noon, and
that for any given district at least 30
also ended on Sunday mid-day. Many
Rotarians will volunteer time to help prepare
participants attended the conference for
various aspects of the conferences, including
three (or even four days in the case of the
preparing their own presentations. Some of
first two conferences), but most came for
these Rotarians will spend a very large
only one or two days.
amount of time on the conferences,
If one considers that activities at the
especially if they are part of the core
conference go on for up to ten hours per day,
organizing committee, while others will
and if we assume that participants on
spend less time.
average spend 2.5 days attending the
Just for the sake of the argument,
conferences (including travel time), with
consider an average of 25 hours spent by
1050 participants this would represent an
each of the 30 Rotarians for preparing
investment in time of 26,250 hours.
various aspects of the conference (this is
Together, the two districts that
probably a rather low estimate). With some
organized the joint conference in 2012 have
529 Rotary districts worldwide, this would
about 4,000 Rotarians, and when the three
generate another 400,000 volunteer hours
for preparation.
conference, membership is above 6,000. For
district 7620 in 2014, the membership was at
Possibly three million hours and maybe
about 2,350.
Over the three years, this
more are allocated to district conferences
represents a potential attendance at the
every year by Rotarians worldwide.
conference of close to 12,400 Rotarians.
The amount of time allocated on
Thus, possibly three million hours
average for the two conferences was then
are allocated to district conferences every
approximately 2.12 hours per Rotarian per
year by Rotarians, and this may be a
year. Multiplying this by the number of
conservative estimate. The bottom line is
Rotarians in the world yields an allocation
that clearly a large amount of time is
of about 2.54 million hours per year for
allocated to prepare and attend these
Rotary worldwide just for Rotarians to
attend district conferences. This estimate
conferences a success does matter for all
may well be on the low side given that the
those involved.
attendance rate at the two conferences


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