Form 500-B - Information Return - Report Of Nonresident Member Income Tax Withheld - 2003 Page 7

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cost of such conferences down, to reduce the
evaluation of the past two conferences. The
time allocated to the presentation of awards,
good news is that we may slowly be getting
and to organize the conference in such a way
better at organizing these events and at
that more learning on the future of Rotary
and successful service projects can take
participants, and this last conference was
place. Many of these recommendations are
especially good.
not new: they had already emerged from the
The report is structured in ten chapters, each answering one question as follows:
Why evaluate district conferences?
How where the evaluations conducted?
Who attended the conferences?
Were sessions at previous conferences well rated?
How were sessions at the 2014 conference rated?
How satisfied were Rotarians with the conferences?
What were the strongest aspects of the conferences?
What were some areas for improvement?
What do Rotarians recommend for future conferences?
What can be concluded from the evaluations?


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