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Quentin is a member of the Rotary Club of
Washington, DC. He serves as District 7620
Evaluation Adviser and Interact Chair. He joined
Rotaract in his youth. His father was a Rotarian.
His daughters Divya and Naina founded the Interact
Club of Washington International School and
launched the global newsletter Interact Today.
Professionally, Quentin is an Adviser in the
Education Global Practice of the World Bank.
Previously, he managed the Bank’s unit on faith
and development, served as Lead Poverty Specialist
for Africa, and as an Economist/Senior Economist
for Latin America. Before that he worked with
Procter & Gamble, the International Movement
ATD Fourth World, and the University of Namur.
He has more than 350 publications, serves on
advisory boards, and as associate editor for
journals. He holds PhDs in Economics and in
Theology and Religious Studies, and is actively
involved in pro bono work for nonprofits.
This report builds on two chapters of
Membership in Service Clubs: Rotary’s
Experience, a book published in 2014 by
Palgrave Macmillan and co-authored by
Quentin with his daughters Divya and
The book provides the first rigorous
assessment of the activities of Rotary. It
documents the reasons why Rotarians join,
how the organization could grow, the
amount of time volunteered and funds
“This book should be required reading for
raised by Rotarians for service projects, and
members of service clubs around the world
the types of projects members are involved
and for those interested in evaluating the
in. The book also features case studies of
contributions of volunteers.” Peter Kyle,
successful initiatives coupled with individual
Rotary District 7620 Governor
accounts of exemplary Rotarians.


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