Form 500-B - Information Return - Report Of Nonresident Member Income Tax Withheld - 2003 Page 52

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Complete Form 500-B - Information Return - Report Of Nonresident Member Income Tax Withheld - 2003 with your personal data - all interactive fields are highlighted in places where you should type, access drop-down lists or select multiple-choice options.

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5. Did you belong to another Interact/Rotaract/Rotary club before your current club?
 No, this is the first club of which I am a member
 Yes, I have been a member of one other club before
 Yes, I have been a member of two or more other clubs before
6. For how long have you been a member of Interact/Rotaract/Rotary?
 Less than a year
 1 - 3 Years
 4 - 6 Years
 7 - 10 Years
 11 - 15 Years
 16 - 20 Years
 Over 20 Years
7. What do you think your average attendance rate at club meetings (including make-ups) has
been over the last two years (or since you joined if you joined recently)?
 Less than 50
 50-70
 70-90
 90-100
8. Have you served in the past or are you serving today in a leadership positions in your club or
at the district level? Please check all that apply.
Leadership position
Position that I am
Position that I have
exercising this year
exercised in the past
District-level leadership position
Club President
Member of the Board
Committee chair
Other responsibility (please specify)
Please specify the position if you selected "other": __________________________________
9. How many district conferences have you attended?
 This is my first district conference
 This is my second district conference
 This is my third district conference
 I have attended four or more district conference before this one


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