Form 500-B - Information Return - Report Of Nonresident Member Income Tax Withheld - 2003 Page 46

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Rotary International
The Rotary Foundation
Service above Self Award
Citation for Meritorious Service
PDG Ray Streib
PDG Bob Nelson
PDG Andy Baum, Judy Cappuccilli, PDG Rich Carson, PDG Paul Frey, DGE Bill Fine, PDG Bob Grill, Jennifer
Hara, George Hurlburt, PDG Pat Kasuda, Larry Leahy, Darrell Nevin, Sean McAlister, PDG Claude Morissette,
PDG Bob Parkinson, Maria Nelly Pavisich, Chris Perlick, Mary Ann Murray, DGN Ken Solow, AG Nancy Szlasa,
Navin Valliappan, Dawn Wittfelt, Sherry Whitworth, Divya Wodon, Naina Wodon, Quentin Wodon
Less free time and more work time
Some respondents in the three years
were also requested by several respondents
emphasized the need to have more breakout
at least in 2012 and 2013 (the 2014 program
sessions so that more learning could take
was more packed), especially among those
place. Examples of comments included: “I
who were able to attend only on Saturday.
would like to see more breakout educational
Examples of comments include: “Free time
sessions”; “I would have liked more variety
on Saturday is not helpful for those of us
of breakout sessions.” “Set aside more
who work and want to participate. My club
rooms for breakout sessions and organize
lost their vote because the business session
them by district”; “I would do more
was on Friday. It's frustrating. I'd opt for a
breakout sessions and have a larger
more condensed program for business on
selection of Rotary subjects. If one is going
Saturday and Sunday… Don't drag it out.
to spend the money (invest) on a conference
Fewer days = less expense and greater
[we need] more opportunities to learn”; “I
attendance”; “Many of us are busy...
would have preferred special sessions on
Saturday was the only day for me to go... I
Interact and Rotaract … [and] to hear more
was ill when I woke on Saturday. My drive
about successful and/or unusual fund raisers
to get to the conference would have been at
and community service programs by other
1.5 hours. With a 4 hour break between the
luncheon and dinner and no structured
While satisfaction was high with the
sessions in between, it did not make sense
2014 conference and the fact that the
for me to even show up.”
program on the Saturday had many


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