Form 500-B - Information Return - Report Of Nonresident Member Income Tax Withheld - 2003 Page 42

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The qualitative comments provided
need to put more emphasis in planning that
in the previous chapter focused on positive
will attract younger members with families...
feedback, but suggestions for improvements
They are staying home in droves.”
were also made, with essentially the same
Second, beyond affecting younger
broad areas mentioned in all three years.
Rotarians, the relatively high cost of the
First, participation of new and
conference limits attendance. As some
younger Rotarians should be encouraged
respondent explained it: “I thought the cost
more, which is in part (but not only) related
of the conference limited attendance and
to cost. On the need to attract new and
hope that there might be some way in future
younger members, examples of comments
years to have a reduced cost for limited
included: “Shrink the conference to one
participation”; “Rooms and conference fees
overnight and hold down the cost so young
need to be such that anyone could afford to
attend. Not all Rotarians have large
young/new members to attend”; “The main
resources financially, but really have the
spotlight should be, but never is, on new
heart to do good for those in their
Rotarians, those who have sponsored
community and world”; “lower cost and one
someone new into Rotary and those that are
day”; “Cost was a huge factor in
attending their first conference”; “You may
attendance. I cannot recommend spending
find that younger members with children
the money necessary to attend the entire
will find attending a multi-day event with
conference”; “Lower the cost significantly. I
children to be cost prohibitive”.
heard many say that it was expensive and I
would agree.”
“You may find that younger members with
children will find attending a multi-day
“Rooms and conference fees need to be
such that anyone could … attend. Not all
event with children to be cost prohibitive”.
Rotarians have large resources financially,
but really have the heart to do good for
Other similar comments included:
those in their community and world”.
“Make the conference less expensive and try
to get our newest Rotarians there so that
they can get excited about what they are a
part of and make believers out of them”;
expensive for Rotarians attending with their
“Need to find a way to celebrate new
spouse: “Make the conference affordable
members without them having to spend $600
and give people the financial break that they
to be there. It is cost prohibitive for those
can go and enjoy the fellowship of Rotary. I
who need to be there and would benefit the
can think of a lot better places to go for a
most”; “Need more incentives for members
weekend for $1,500 than spend it at a
conference”; “We have to find a way to
conference should be the district gathering
lessen the burden especially for younger
for the clubs rather than the gathering of the
Rotarians. $1,000 is too much”; “I am
club current and past leadership”; “We
concerned about the increasing cost of the


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