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The first panel was an excellent segue into the second session, which addressed the
larger challenge of attracting younger members to Rotary. To many young professionals, there
are logistical challenges to attending a lunch meeting (namely the inability to take time out of
their workday). We discussed new models for membership, such as breakfast and happy hour
meetings, as well as explaining your role in Rotary to your supervisor.
The panel and the audience brainstormed how to ensure that transition from Rotaract to
Rotary. One way to do so would be expose Rotaractors to how Rotary clubs are really managed
and to remove the mystery. Like all good discussions, we ended our time together with more
questions than answers.
However, I think the very opportunity to have this honest dialogue is a positive step.
Many Rotaractors act as leaders within their own clubs and are looking for similar opportunities
for equitable access to opportunities to lead within Rotary. The importance of equality, despite
age, within Rotary was also highlighted. One of the things I like most about Rotary is the
inherent humility of the mission – however, because of this, many people are not familiar with
Rotary. Working in the field of international development, I see on the ground the good work that
Rotary does abroad – but not everyone has the opportunity to see first-hand these Rotary
accomplishments. So it is our challenge to “get the word out” about Rotary’s work and to do so
in a way that is going to attract new members of all ages.
I wanted to thank all the panelists and audience members for their enthusiastic
contributions to this ongoing and important conversation that is so crucial to the future of
Rotary. I am grateful to Rotary for providing me with two scholarships both as a Youth
Exchange Student and later the Ambassadorial Scholarship and I look forward to serving as a
Rotarian one day.
Panel 1: Tips and tricks for fostering a good relationship between Rotary and Rotaract
clubs and starting a Rotaract club in your area. Panelists: Stephanie Spivack: President,
Rotaract of Washington D.C.; Jennifer Hara: President Elect, Next Generations Committee
Chair, and Rotary liaison for the Rotaract Club of Washington D.C., Rotary Club of
Washington, D.C.; Mark Perry: President, Annapolis Rotaract; Pamela Urnowey: Marketing
and PR Chair, Rotary liaison for the Annapolis Rotaract and Chair for the District Rotaract
Committee, Annapolis Rotary Club; Muluberhan Bahre (Mulu), President, St. Mary’s College of
Maryland Rotaract Club.
Panel 2: Attracting the Next Generation to Rotary. Panelists: Kyle Morford: Rotaract
Club of Washington D.C. (Two time past President); Abe Helal: Membership Chair, Rotary Club
of Washington D.C.; Rob Cannon, Director of Public Relations, Annapolis Rotaract; Leslie
Kinkead, President, Frederick Towne Rotary Club.


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