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Millions of hours and tens of millions of dollars are invested every year by Rotarians
worldwide in attending district conferences, yet these conferences are rarely evaluated well.
The purpose of this report, which expands on a previous analysis included in a book on
Membership in Service Clubs: Rotary’s Experience published by Palgrave Macmillan in April
2014, is to show that such evaluations can be done quickly at no financial cost, and that they can
be instructive. The report presents the results of a rapid evaluation of three annual conferences
for district 7620. The conferences were well appreciated by participants, especially in terms of
the fellowship and networking opportunities that they provided. The resort for one of the
conferences was considered as first-class, and good to great for the other conferences. Leaders
from Rotary International as well as some great speakers spoke at the conferences. In the third
conference, the focus on youth was especially appreciated, and as a result that conference
obtained even higher ratings than the two previous conferences.
Yet areas for improvement were also suggested by participants in their evaluation forms.
First there is a need to hold down the cost of such conferences for participants in order to boost
attendance, especially among new and younger Rotarians in addition to the experienced
members who typically attend the conferences and belong to the leadership of their club and
district. Second, there is a need to design better sessions for the learning experience that these
conferences may provide, not only in terms of how to implement successful service projects, but
also more generally for discussing the future of Rotary and challenges faced. While this is not
necessarily easy to do, it should be a priority. Third, participants would like more motivational,
entertaining, and business speakers, as opposed to Rotary and nonprofit speakers.


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