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What is striking though, and this was
again focused on youth,, and all youth
also the case for the most part at previous
related events in general fared better.
district conferences, is that the learning
sessions did not fare as well.
As in previous conferences, sessions
included a session on strengthening the
focusing on learning about Rotary – in
Rotary Story: Research, Resources, and
Reaction, a session on preparing successful
membership growth - did not fare as well.
international projects, a session on ER for
PR - Marketing your club activities, and a
As will be discussed later in more
speed networking and poster session where
detail, there is a demand for more learning
clubs could present their best projects. When
about Rotary on the part of at least some of
combining the good and very good ratings,
the Rotarians attending the conferences, but
these sessions still scored very well, but
at the same time, in relative terms (not in
comparatively less well than other sessions.
absolute ones), learning sessions tend to do
Three other learning sessions - Relationship
less well than other sessions, suggesting that
between Rotary & Rotaract, Attracting the
organizing such sessions as successfully as
next generation Into Rotary, and a session
other sessions is not straightforward.
on the state of Rotary globally did a bit
better, but two of those three sessions were
To improve on the traditional House of Friendship where clubs display materials, a poster session
was organized in 2014 where Interactors, Rotaractors, and Rotarians presented projects.


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