Form 500-B - Information Return - Report Of Nonresident Member Income Tax Withheld - 2003 Page 23

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as lunches and dinners, it is often the case
The ability to volunteer at the 2013
that some speakers will not be as successful
conference for the Stop Hunger Now
as others. In addition, the so-called House of
Friendship, which in a Rotary conference or
participants, as were group student
convention means the exhibition space, did
exchange teams from other countries.
not get high marks, perhaps in part because
the number of displays and vendors was
As to the activities that were ranked
limited. Finally, some business sessions or
lower, the quality of some of the speakers or
sessions dealing with membership also did
activities was often at play. With many
not get high marks.
speakers invited for various sessions as well
At the 2013 conference, the Four Way Test, the Stop Hunger Now,
and the Group Study Exchange sessions where highly appreciated.


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