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For three fourths of the respondents,
profile of respondents to the evaluation
their club is the first club that they have
forms for the three conferences (and by
joined, while slightly less than one in five
extension the profile of the attendees at the
have been a member of one other club
conferences) seems broadly representative
before, and about one in ten have been
of the membership of Rotary in the various
members of at least two other clubs before.
districts, albeit perhaps a bit older and
More than a fourth of respondents have been
certainly more experienced with Rotary.
Rotarians for more than 20 years, with the
As shown in table 1, about 60
rest distributed somewhat evenly (roughly
percent of respondents are men, and 40
speaking) between the other categories, but
percent women, at least in the last two years.
very few have been Rotarians for less than a
In the first two years, about half of all
year (in 2014, the proportion is higher in
respondents are above the age of 60, with
part due to Interactors and Rotaractors).
another fourth between 51 and 60, and about
When asked about their attendance
one in ten between 41 and 50. Few are
rate at Rotary meetings in their club,
below 40 years of age. The age distribution
between half and two thirds of respondents
is younger in 2014 because special efforts
depending on the year declared that their
were made to attract Rotaractors, as well as
attendance rate was between 90 and 100
Interactors, RYLA students, and exchange
percent, and very few mentioned attendance
students who tend to be below the age of 18.
rates below 50 percent (this was the case for
3.2 percent of respondents in 2012, 3.9
percent in 2013, and 4.0 percent in 2014).
The demographic and “Rotary” profile of
Attendance rates take in principle into
whether Rotarians attend the
broadly representative of the membership
meetings of their club, which typically take
of Rotary, albeit perhaps a bit older and
place every week, but they also factor in
certainly more experienced with Rotary.
make-ups by attending meetings of other
clubs, or participating in service activities.
Because the average age of Rotarians
has increased in the last few decades, the
respondents are clearly higher than average
average age of respondents seems to be only
attendance rates in the district which tend to
slightly higher than is the case for the Rotary
be more around the 60 percent mark
membership overall in the districts. It
This confirms that those attending
appears though that despite efforts at
district conferences tend to be among the
most active members of their club and
district, probably in part because many
conferences, the time required and the cost
exercise positions of leadership.
of doing so may be too high for at least
some of the younger Rotarians (this is
discussed further in chapter 8).


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