Form 500-B - Information Return - Report Of Nonresident Member Income Tax Withheld - 2003 Page 12

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Beyond the usefulness of the results
The two main advantages of relying
for these three districts, it is also hoped that
on Survey Monkey for collecting the data
the report will have wider appeal for
were first that attendees could respond at the
Rotarians in general, and maybe even for
time most convenient to them, and second
members of other service clubs, in showing
that there was no need to spend time
how simple methods can be used for
entering data that would otherwise have
evaluating such annual conferences.
been collected by hand through forms to be
The evaluation forms for the three
distributed at the conference. Perhaps a
conferences aimed to get useful feedback
higher response rate could have been
from attendees quickly and at no cost. The
obtained by distributing the evaluation
surveys were administered shortly after the
forms at the conference itself, but this is not
conferences through the website Survey
a given, and the workload would have been
Monkey, and they remained open for a
substantially higher to then code the forms
period of about two weeks after each
into an electronic and useable database.
conference. For each of the three years, two
Also, there may have been an advantage in
emails were sent to participants to encourage
implementing the survey one or two weeks
them to fill the evaluation surveys.
after the conference, since attendees had by
A total of 95 participants responded
then had time to reflect on the conference,
to the 2012 survey by the closing date of
and what was achieved or not.
April 27, 2012, and 184 participants
responded to the 2013 survey by the closing
The evaluation forms for the conferences
date of May 15, 2013 (this was a larger
were administered through the web at no
conference with three districts). For the
cost with good response rates of about 40
2014 district conference, a total of 100
percent on average among participants.
participants responded by the closing date of
May 5, 2014. Taking into account a few
For the evaluation of the 2012
responses obtained from those not on the
conference, a total of 16 questions were
email lists, this translates into a response
asked in the survey. These were simple
rate of about 40 percent for the three
questions and the goal was to make the
surveys, with few variations between them.
questionnaire as short as possible, so that it
A draft of this evaluation was
could be filled in five to ten minutes, but
prepared and shared with the leadership of
without sacrificing too much information.
the various districts within a week or two of
The first eight questions were asked to
the closing of the surveys. Overall, data
collection, evaluation, and discussion of the
characteristics of attendees, which will then
results were completed within a month or
be compared to a different membership
two after the conferences were held, and the
survey underway. The next seven questions
exercise was completed at zero financial
asked about the satisfaction of attendees
cost in all three years
with the various activities at the conference,
as well as their overall satisfaction and how
much they learned at the conference. A last
There is of course an opportunity cost given the
but important question was open-ended and
time required for participants to fill the survey, for
the author to conduct the analysis of the survey and
prepare its questionnaire, and for the leadership in the
appreciate the most at this year’s conference
various districts to discuss the results. But given that
and what would you suggest that we do
Rotarians are unpaid volunteers, there is no financial


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