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Consider next the question of costs.
would generate a cost of $61 million per
Most of the costs of district conferences are
year. This might be too high because the
borne by participants who pay their hotel
cost of district conferences may be lower in
bill as well as a fee for attending the
other countries than it is in the United
conference to cover meals and other costs. A
States. But on the other hand this does not
typical fee in the United States to attend a
include special costs for the attendance of
district conference will run at a few hundred
high level Rotary officials (whether those
dollars including meals and hotel rooms.
are paid by districts or Rotary International)
District conferences tend to be
and speakers. This estimate also does not
organized in major hotels or resorts, so that
include the cost at Rotary headquarters to
even when special rates are obtained, room
oversee and monitor district conferences.
fees will typically be in the $100 to $150 per
And most importantly it also does not
night. Some Rotarians stay for three or more
include the cost of the annual Rotary
nights, others for only one or two nights, and
convention that typically welcomes more
some just come for a day. Guests are likely
than 20,000 Rotarians from all over the
to have additional expenses both at the site
world each year and could in a way be
of the conference and to get to the
considered as a super district conference.
conference site.
Assume, again for the sake of the
conferences are likely to be substantial, and
argument, that on average the total cost of
could be higher than those indicated here
the conference per attendee is of the order
depending on conference participation rates.
$600 – it will often be much higher for those
staying three nights, but it will be lower for
Possibly more than $60 million is invested
those coming just for one day without
staying any night in the hotel or resort. Even
conferences each year worldwide, in part
based on the somewhat low attendance rate
because conferences tend to be organized
of about 8.5 percent mentioned above for the
in good quality hotels and resorts.
three conferences considered in this report,
with 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide, this
Most costs of district conferences are paid by attendees through fees for attendance, meals, and
rooms. As conferences tend to be organized in nice settings (such as the Hyatt Regency Chesapeake
Bay for the 2012 conference), costs may be high despite steep discounts on hotel rooms.


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