Instructions For Form 941-Ss - Employer'S Quarterly Federal Tax Returnamerican Samoa, Guam, The Commonwealth Of The Northern Mariana Islands, And The U.s. Virgin Islands - 2010 Page 7


your correct tax liability for this quarter’s Form 941-SS. See
premium assistance credits, visit and enter the
section 8 of Pub. 80 (Circular SS).
keyword COBRA.
Prior quarter’s adjustments. If you need to adjust any
The amount reported on line 12a is treated as a
amount reported on lines 7a, 7b, or 7c from a previously
deposit of taxes on the first day of your return period
filed Form 941-SS, complete and file Form 941-X. Form
and must not be used to adjust line 17 or Schedule B
941-X is filed separately from Form 941-SS. See section 9
(Form 941).
of Pub. 80 (Circular SS).
If you provided premium assistance in a prior quarter of
7a. Current quarter’s adjustment for fractions of
the current year and did not report the amount of that
cents. Enter adjustments for fractions of cents (due to
premium assistance on Form 941-SS for that quarter, you
may include the amount of that premium assistance in the
rounding) relating to the employee share of social security
amount entered on this line, or file Form 941-X to report the
and Medicare taxes withheld. The employee share
amount for the prior quarter of the current year.
(one-half) of amounts shown in column 2 of lines 5a – 5c
may differ slightly from amounts actually withheld from
12b. Number of individuals provided
employees’ paychecks due to the rounding of social security
COBRA premium assistance on line 12a
and Medicare taxes based on statutory rates.
Enter the total number of assistance eligible individuals
7b. Current quarter’s adjustment for sick pay. Enter
provided COBRA premium assistance reported on line 12a.
the adjustment for the employee share of social security and
Count each assistance eligible individual who paid a
Medicare taxes that were withheld by your third-party sick
reduced COBRA premium in the quarter as one individual,
pay payer.
whether or not the reduced premium was for insurance that
7c. Current quarter’s adjustments for tips and
covered more than one assistance eligible individual. For
group-term life insurance. Enter adjustments for:
example, if the reduced COBRA premium was for coverage
Any uncollected employee share of social security and
for a former employee, spouse, and two children, you would
Medicare taxes on tips, and
include one individual in the number entered on line 12b for
The uncollected employee share of social security and
the premium assistance. Further, each individual is reported
Medicare taxes on group-term life insurance premiums paid
only once per quarter. For example, an assistance eligible
for former employees.
individual who made monthly premium payments during the
quarter would only be reported as one individual.
Total taxes after adjustments
Lines 12c – 12e only apply to the second quarter of
Combine the amounts shown on lines 6e through 7c and
2010. These lines are used to determine the number
enter the result here.
of qualified employees, amount of exempt wages/
If line 8 is less than $2,500 or line 8 on the preceding
tips, and amount of employer social security tax exemption
quarterly return was less than $2,500, and you did not
as if the exemption were allowed for the first quarter of
incur a $100,000 next-day deposit obligation during the
2010. An employer is allowed to treat this exemption as a
current quarter. You may pay the amount with Form
payment credited against deposit requirements for
941-SS or you may deposit the amount. To avoid a penalty,
employment taxes due for the second quarter 2010. If any of
you must pay the amount in full with a timely filed return or
these lines are completed for any quarter other than the
you must deposit the amount timely. See section 8 of Pub.
second quarter of 2010, Form 941-SS may be considered
80 (Circular SS) for information and rules about federal tax
incomplete and subject to correction and penalties.
If line 8 is $2,500 or more and line 8 on the preceding
12c. Number of qualified employees paid
return was $2,500 or more, or if you incurred a $100,000
exempt wages/tips March 19–31
next-day deposit obligation during the current quarter.
You must make deposits according to your deposit
Complete this line when filing Form 941 for the 2nd quarter
schedule. See section 8 of Pub. 80 (Circular SS) for
of 2010 only. Enter on line 12c the number of qualified
information and rules about federal tax deposits. The
employees paid exempt wages/tips from March 19, 2010
amount shown on line 8 must equal the “Total liability for
through March 31, 2010. Include only qualified employees
for whom you are claiming the social security tax exemption.
quarter” shown on Form 941-SS, line 17 or the “Total liability
For the definition of qualified employee, see the instructions
for the quarter” shown on Schedule B (Form 941).
for line 6a on page 5.
If you are a semiweekly depositor, you must
12d. Exempt wages/tips paid to qualified
complete Schedule B (Form 941). If you fail to
complete and submit Schedule B (Form 941), the
employees March 19–31
IRS will assert deposit penalties based on available
Complete this line when filing Form 941 for the 2nd quarter
of 2010 only. Enter the amount of exempt wages/tips paid
March 19, 2010 through March 31, 2010, to all qualified
11. Total deposits for this quarter...
employees reported on line 12c. For the definition of exempt
Enter your deposits for this quarter, including any
wages/tips, see the instructions for line 6a on page 5.
overpayment that you applied from filing Form 941-X or
12e. Social security tax exemption for
Form 944-X in the current quarter. Also include in the
amount shown any overpayment from a previous period that
March 19–31
you applied to this return.
Multiply the amount of exempt wages/tips reported on line
12d by .062 and enter the result on line 12e.
12a. COBRA premium assistance payments
The amount reported on line 12e is treated as a
Report on this line 65% of the COBRA premiums for
deposit of taxes on April 1, 2010, and must not be
assistance eligible individuals. Take the COBRA premium
used to adjust line 17 or Schedule B (Form 941).
assistance credit on this line only after the assistance
eligible individual’s 35% share of the premium has been
13. Total deposits and credits
paid. For COBRA coverage provided under a self-insured
plan, COBRA premium assistance is treated as having been
Add lines 11, 12a, and 12e.
made for each assistance eligible individual who pays 35%
14. Balance due
of the COBRA premium. Do not include the assistance
eligible individual’s 35% of the premium in the amount
If line 8 is more than line 13, write the difference on line 14.
entered on this line. For more information on the COBRA
Otherwise, see Overpayment below.You do not have to


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