Irs Publication 54 - Tax Guide For U.s. Citizens And Resident Aliens Abroad - 2008 Page 38


certain forms, instructions, and publica-
Also, during filing season, the IRS conducts
Purchase the DVD from National Technical
tions. Some IRS offices, libraries, grocery
an overseas taxpayer assistance program. To
Information Service (NTIS) at
stores, copy centers, city and county gov-
find out if IRS personnel will be in your area,
for $30 (no handling fee)
ernment offices, credit unions, and office
contact the consular office at the nearest U.S.
or call 1-877-233-6767 toll free to buy the DVD
supply stores have a collection of products
for $30 (plus a $6 handling fee). The price is
available to print from a CD or photocopy
discounted to $25 for orders placed prior to
Mail. You can send your order for
from reproducible proofs. Also, some IRS
December 1, 2008.
forms, instructions, and publications to
offices and libraries have the Internal Rev-
the address below. You should receive
Small Business Resource Guide
enue Code, regulations, Internal Revenue
a response within 10 days after your request is
2009. This online guide is a must for
Bulletins, and Cumulative Bulletins avail-
every small business owner or any tax-
able for research purposes.
payer about to start a business. This year’s
Services. You can walk in to your local
Internal Revenue Service
guide includes:
Taxpayer Assistance Center every busi-
1201 N. Mitsubishi Motorway
Helpful information, such as how to pre-
ness day for personal, face-to-face tax
Bloomington, IL 61705-6613
pare a business plan, find financing for
help. An employee can explain IRS letters,
DVD for tax products. You can order
your business, and much more.
request adjustments to your tax account,
Publication 1796, IRS Tax Products
or help you set up a payment plan. If you
All the business tax forms, instructions,
DVD, and obtain:
need to resolve a tax problem, have ques-
and publications needed to successfully
tions about how the tax law applies to your
Current-year forms, instructions, and pub-
manage a business.
individual tax return, or you are more com-
Tax law changes for 2009.
fortable talking with someone in person,
Prior-year forms, instructions, and publica-
visit your local Taxpayer Assistance
Tax Map: an electronic research tool and
Center where you can spread out your
finding aid.
records and talk with an IRS representa-
Tax Map: an electronic research tool and
Web links to various government agen-
tive face-to-face. No appointment is nec-
finding aid.
cies, business associations, and IRS orga-
essary — just walk in. If you prefer, you
Tax law frequently asked questions.
can call your local Center and leave a
message requesting an appointment to re-
Tax Topics from the IRS telephone re-
“Rate the Product” survey — your opportu-
solve a tax account issue. A representa-
sponse system.
nity to suggest changes for future editions.
tive will call you back within 2 business
Internal Revenue Code — Title 26 of the
A site map of the guide to help you navi-
days to schedule an in-person appoint-
U.S. Code.
gate the pages with ease.
ment at your convenience. If you have an
ongoing, complex tax account problem or
Fill-in, print, and save features for most tax
An interactive “Teens in Biz” module that
a special need, such as a disability, an
gives practical tips for teens about starting
appointment can be requested. All other
their own business, creating a business
Internal Revenue Bulletins.
issues will be handled without an appoint-
plan, and filing taxes.
ment. To find the number of your local
Toll-free and email technical support.
office, go to
The information is updated during the year.
Two releases during the year.
look in the phone book under United
and enter keyword “SBRG” in
– The first release will ship the beginning
States Government, Internal Revenue
the upper right-hand corner for more informa-
of January 2009.
– The final release will ship the beginning
If you are outside the United States during the
of March 2009.
filing period (January to mid-June), you can get
the necessary federal tax forms and publications
from most U.S. Embassies and consulates.
Chapter 7 How To Get Tax Help
Page 38


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