Irs Publication 54 - Tax Guide For U.s. Citizens And Resident Aliens Abroad - 2008 Page 17


Example. You are privately employed and
granted the option. Any part of the earned in-
Any reimbursement of moving expenses
come that is due to work you did outside the
live in Japan all year. You are paid a salary of
you deducted in an earlier year.
United States is foreign earned income.
$6,000 a month. You live rent-free in a house
This section discusses reimbursements that
See Publication 525, Taxable and Nontax-
provided by your employer that has a fair rental
must be included in earned income. Publication
able Income, for a discussion of the treatment of
value of $3,000 a month. The house is not pro-
521, Moving Expenses, discusses additional
stock options.
vided for your employer’s convenience. You re-
rules that apply to moving expense deductions
port on the calendar-year, cash basis. You
and reimbursements.
Pensions and annuities.
For purposes of the
received $72,000 salary from foreign sources
foreign earned income exclusion, the foreign
plus $36,000 fair rental value of the house, or a
The rules for determining when the reim-
housing exclusion, and the foreign housing de-
total of $108,000 of earned income.
bursement is considered earned or where the
duction, amounts received as pensions or annu-
reimbursement is considered earned may differ
ities are unearned income.
somewhat from the general rules previously dis-
Reimbursement of employee expenses. If
you are reimbursed under an accountable plan
Royalties. Royalties from the leasing of oil
Although you receive the reimbursement in
(defined below) for expenses you incur on your
and mineral lands and patents generally are a
one tax year, it may be considered earned for
employer’s behalf and you have adequately ac-
form of rent or dividends and are unearned in-
services performed, or to be performed, in an-
counted to your employer for the expenses, do
other tax year. You must report the reimburse-
not include the reimbursement for those ex-
Royalties received by a writer are earned
ment as income on your return in the year you
penses in your earned income.
income if they are received:
receive it, even if it is considered earned during
For the transfer of property rights of the
The expenses for which you are reimbursed
a different year.
writer in the writer’s product, or
are not considered allocable (related) to your
Move from U.S. to foreign country. If you
earned income. If expenses and reimbursement
Under a contract to write a book or series
move from the United States to a foreign coun-
are equal, there is nothing to allocate to ex-
of articles.
try, your moving expense reimbursement is gen-
cluded income. If expenses are more than the
erally considered pay for future services to be
reimbursement, the unreimbursed expenses are
performed at the new location. The reimburse-
Rental income. Generally, rental income is
considered to have been incurred in producing
ment is considered earned solely in the year of
unearned income. If you perform personal serv-
earned income and must be divided between
the move if you qualify for the exclusion for a
ices in connection with the production of rent, up
your excluded and included income in determin-
period that includes at least 120 days during that
to 30% of your net rental income can be consid-
ing the amount of unreimbursed expenses you
tax year.
ered earned income.
can deduct. (See chapter 5.) If the reimburse-
ment is more than the expenses, no expenses
If you are neither a bona fide resident of nor
Example. Larry Smith, a U.S. citizen living
remain to be divided between excluded and in-
physically present in a foreign country or coun-
in Australia, owns and operates a rooming
cluded income and the excess reimbursement
tries for a period that includes 120 days during
house in Sydney. If he is operating the rooming
must be included in earned income.
the year of the move, a portion of the reimburse-
house as a business that requires capital and
ment is considered earned in the year of the
These rules do not apply to the following
personal services, he can consider up to 30% of
move and a portion is considered earned in the
net rental income as earned income. On the
year following the year of the move. To figure the
other hand, if he just owns the rooming house
Straight-commission salespersons.
amount earned in the year of the move, multiply
and performs no personal services connected
the reimbursement by a fraction. The numerator
Employees who have arrangements with
with its operation, except perhaps making minor
(top number) is the number of days in your
their employers under which taxes are not
repairs and collecting rents, none of his net
qualifying period that fall within the year of the
withheld on a percentage of the commis-
income from the house is considered earned
move, and the denominator (bottom number) is
sions because the employers consider
income. It is all unearned income.
the total number of days in the year of the move.
that percentage to be attributable to the
The difference between the total reimburse-
employees’ expenses.
Professional fees. If you are engaged in a
ment and the amount considered earned in the
professional occupation (such as a doctor or
year of the move is the amount considered
Accountable plan. An accountable plan is
lawyer), all fees received in the performance of
earned in the year following the year of the
a reimbursement or allowance arrangement that
these services are earned income.
move. The part earned in each year is figured as
includes all three of the following rules.
shown in the following example.
Income of an artist. Income you receive from
The expenses covered under the plan
the sale of paintings you created is earned in-
must have a business connection.
Example. You are a U.S. citizen working in
the United States. You were told in October
The employee must adequately account to
2007 that you were being transferred to a foreign
Scholarships and fellowships. Any portion
the employer for these expenses within a
country. You arrived in the foreign country on
of a scholarship or fellowship grant that is paid to
reasonable period of time.
December 15, 2007, and you are a bona fide
you for teaching, research or other services is
The employee must return any excess re-
resident for the remainder of 2007 and all of
considered earned income if you must include it
imbursement or allowance within a rea-
2008. Your employer reimbursed you $2,000 in
in your gross income. If the payer of the grant is
sonable period of time.
January 2008 for the part of the moving expense
required to provide you with a Form W-2, Wage
that you were not allowed to deduct. Because
and Tax Statement, these amounts will be listed
you did not qualify for the exclusion under the
as wages.
Reimbursement of moving expenses. Re-
bona fide residence test for at least 120 days in
imbursement of moving expenses may be
Certain scholarship and fellowship in-
2007 (the year of the move), the reimbursement
earned income. You must include as earned
come may be exempt under other pro-
is considered pay for services performed in the
visions. See Publication 970, Tax
foreign country for both 2007 and 2008.
Benefits for Education, chapter 1.
Any reimbursements of, or payments for,
You figure the part of the reimbursement for
nondeductible moving expenses,
services performed in the foreign country in
Use of employer’s property or facilities. If
Reimbursements that are more than your
2007 by multiplying the total reimbursement by a
you receive fringe benefits in the form of the right
deductible expenses and that you do not
fraction. The fraction is the number of days dur-
to use your employer’s property or facilities, the
return to your employer,
ing which you were a bona fide resident during
fair market value of that right is earned income.
the year of the move divided by 365. The re-
Fair market value is the price at which the prop-
Any reimbursements made (or treated as
maining part of the reimbursement is for serv-
erty would change hands between a willing
made) under a nonaccountable plan (any
ices performed in the foreign country in 2008.
buyer and a willing seller, neither being required
plan that does not meet the rules listed
to buy or sell, and both having reasonable
above for an accountable plan), even if
This computation is used only to determine
knowledge of all the necessary facts.
they are for deductible expenses, and
when the reimbursement is considered earned.
Chapter 4 Foreign Earned Income and Housing: Exclusion – Deduction
Page 17


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