Irs Publication 54 - Tax Guide For U.s. Citizens And Resident Aliens Abroad - 2008 Page 13


an employee or self-employed individual. Hav-
exclusion. If your new work assignment is for an
available to residents of Guam and the Com-
ing a “tax home” in a given location does not
indefinite period, your new place of employment
monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands if,
necessarily mean that the given location is your
becomes your tax home and you would not be
and when, new implementation agreements
residence or domicile for tax purposes.
able to deduct any of the related expenses that
take effect between the United States and those
you have in the general area of this new work
If you do not have a regular or main place of
assignment. If your new tax home is in a foreign
For more information, see Publication 570.
business because of the nature of your work,
country and you meet the other requirements,
your tax home may be the place where you
your earnings may qualify for the foreign earned
regularly live. If you have neither a regular or
Puerto Rico
income exclusion.
main place of business nor a place where you
and U.S. Virgin Islands
regularly live, you are considered an itinerant
If you expect your employment away from
and your tax home is wherever you work.
home in a single location to last, and it does last,
Residents of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin
for 1 year or less, it is temporary unless facts
You are not considered to have a tax home in
Islands cannot claim the foreign earned income
and circumstances indicate otherwise.
a foreign country for any period in which your
exclusion or the foreign housing exclusion.
abode is in the United States. However, your
If you expect it to last for more than 1 year, it
abode is not necessarily in the United States
is indefinite.
Puerto Rico. Generally, if you are a U.S. citi-
while you are temporarily in the United States.
If you expect it to last for 1 year or less, but at
zen who is a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico
Your abode is also not necessarily in the United
some later date you expect it to last longer than
for the entire tax year, you are not subject to
States merely because you maintain a dwelling
1 year, it is temporary (in the absence of facts
U.S. tax on income from Puerto Rican sources.
in the United States, whether or not your spouse
and circumstances indicating otherwise) until
This does not include amounts paid for services
or dependents use the dwelling.
your expectation changes. Once your expecta-
performed as an employee of the United States.
“Abode” has been variously defined as one’s
tion changes, it is indefinite.
However, you are subject to U.S. tax on your
home, habitation, residence, domicile, or place
income from sources outside Puerto Rico. In
of dwelling. It does not mean your principal place
figuring your U.S. tax, you cannot deduct ex-
Foreign Country
of business. “Abode” has a domestic rather than
penses allocable to income not subject to tax.
a vocational meaning and does not mean the
To meet the bona fide residence test or the
Bona Fide Residence Test
same as “tax home.” The location of your abode
physical presence test, you must live in or be
often will depend on where you maintain your
present in a foreign country. A foreign country
economic, family, and personal ties.
You meet the bona fide residence test if you are
includes any territory under the sovereignty of a
a bona fide resident of a foreign country or
government other than that of the United States.
Example 1. You are employed on an off-
countries for an uninterrupted period that in-
shore oil rig in the territorial waters of a foreign
The term “foreign country” includes the coun-
cludes an entire tax year. You can use the bona
country and work a 28-day on/28-day off sched-
try’s airspace and territorial waters. It also in-
fide residence test to qualify for the exclusions
ule. You return to your family residence in the
cludes the seabed and subsoil of those
and the deduction only if you are either:
United States during your off periods. You are
submarine areas adjacent to the country’s terri-
A U.S. citizen, or
considered to have an abode in the United
torial waters over which it has exclusive rights
States and do not satisfy the tax home test in the
under international law to explore and exploit the
A U.S. resident alien who is a citizen or
foreign country. You cannot claim either of the
natural resources.
national of a country with which the United
exclusions or the housing deduction.
The term “foreign country” does not include
States has an income tax treaty in effect.
Antarctica or U.S. possessions such as Puerto
Example 2. For several years, you were a
Rico, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern
You do not automatically acquire bona fide
marketing executive with a producer of machine
Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and
resident status merely by living in a foreign
tools in Toledo, Ohio. In November of last year,
Johnston Island. For purposes of the foreign
country or countries for 1 year. If you go to a
your employer transferred you to London, Eng-
earned income exclusion, the foreign housing
foreign country to work on a particular job for a
land, for a minimum of 18 months to set up a
exclusion, and the foreign housing deduction,
specified period of time, you ordinarily will not be
sales operation for Europe. Before you left, you
the terms “foreign,” “abroad,” and “overseas”
regarded as a bona fide resident of that country
distributed business cards showing your busi-
refer to areas outside the United States and
even though you work there for 1 tax year or
ness and home addresses in London. You kept
those areas listed or described in the previous
longer. The length of your stay and the nature of
ownership of your home in Toledo but rented it
your job are only some of the factors to be
to another family. You placed your car in stor-
considered in determining whether you meet the
age. In November of last year, you moved your
bona fide residence test.
spouse, children, furniture, and family pets to a
American Samoa,
Bona fide residence. To meet the bona fide
home your employer rented for you in London.
Guam, and the
residence test, you must have established a
Commonwealth of the
Shortly after moving, you leased a car and
bona fide residence in a foreign country.
you and your spouse got British driving licenses.
Northern Mariana Islands
Your bona fide residence is not necessarily
Your entire family got library cards for the local
the same as your domicile. Your domicile is your
public library. You and your spouse opened
Residence or presence in a U.S. possession
permanent home, the place to which you always
bank accounts with a London bank and secured
does not qualify you for the foreign earned in-
return or intend to return.
consumer credit. You joined a local business
come exclusion. You may, however, qualify for
league and both you and your spouse became
an exclusion of your possession income on your
Example. You could have your domicile in
active in the neighborhood civic association and
U.S. return.
Cleveland, Ohio, and a bona fide residence in
worked with a local charity. Your abode is in
Edinburgh, Scotland, if you intend to return
American Samoa. There is a possession ex-
London for the time you live there. You satisfy
eventually to Cleveland.
clusion available to individuals who are bona
the tax home test in the foreign country.
The fact that you go to Scotland does not
fide residents of American Samoa for the entire
automatically make Scotland your bona fide res-
tax year. Gross income from sources within
Temporary or
idence. If you go there as a tourist, or on a short
American Samoa may be eligible for this exclu-
Indefinite Assignment
business trip, and return to the United States,
sion. Income that is effectively connected with
you have not established bona fide residence in
the conduct of a trade or business within Ameri-
The location of your tax home often depends on
Scotland. But if you go to Scotland to work for an
can Samoa also may be eligible for this exclu-
whether your assignment is temporary or indefi-
indefinite or extended period and you set up
sion. Use Form 4563, Exclusion of Income for
nite. If you are temporarily absent from your tax
permanent quarters there for yourself and your
Bona Fide Residents of American Samoa, to
home in the United States on business, you may
family, you probably have established a bona
figure the exclusion.
be able to deduct your away-from-home ex-
fide residence in a foreign country, even though
penses (for travel, meals, and lodging), but you
Guam and the Commonwealth of the North-
you intend to return eventually to the United
would not qualify for the foreign earned income
ern Mariana Islands. An exclusion will be
Chapter 4 Foreign Earned Income and Housing: Exclusion – Deduction
Page 13


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