The Withholding Exemption Certificate (Form 499 R-4.1) is the document used by employees to
If you make contributions to the governmental pension or retirement plan, your
employer shall add 8.275% of your annual wages, to the optional standard deduction
notify his/her employer of the personal exemption, exemption for dependents and the allowance
to which you are entitled. Then, the employer will divide that total by $500.
based on deductions. These three factors are considered to determine the income tax to be
withheld from the employee’s wages.
If you opted for the retirement supplementary plan, your employer will add to the
optional standard deduction 5.775% of your monthly wages up to $550 and 8.275%
The employee shall complete the upper part of the form, indicating his/her name, social
of your monthly wages in excess of such amount (on an annual basis). Then, the
security number, postal and home address. If married, indicate your spouse’s name and
employer will divide that total by $500.
social security number.
On the other hand, if the governmental employee makes contributions through the
Also, you shall indicate with an “X” in Part A your option regarding the personal exemption that
you want to claim to determine the withholding from wages. Enter in Part B the number of
Retirement Savings Accounts Program, your employer must add 8.275%, 9%,
dependents claimed, and in Part C your choice with respect to the allowance based on deductions.
9.5%, or 10% (as your option) of your annual wages, to the optional standard
In Part D indicate if you elect the optional computation of tax in the case of married individuals
deduction to which you are entitled. Then, your employer will divide that total by
living together, filing a joint return and both working (optional computation of tax), as provided
in Section 1011(d) of the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 1994, as amended (Code).
The amount of the optional standard deduction allowable under the Code is:
Married living with spouse.......................................................................... $3,150
Indicate the personal exemption that your employer will consider to determine the income
Married living with spouse filing separated returns ...................................... $1,575
tax to be withheld.
Single or married not living with spouse ….................................................. $2,100
Head of household...................................................................................... $2,730
Line 1 - A single person, or married not living with spouse, may claim or not the personal
exemption. If you want to claim the complete personal exemption, mark the column titled
If the governmental employee does not make contributions to a governmental pension or
“Complete”. On the other hand, if you choose to claim no exemption at all, you may do so by
retirement plan, the number of allowances will be determined in the same way as in the
marking the column titled “None”. A single person or married not living with spouse, cannot divide
case of private business employees.
in two halves his/her personal exemption.
When both spouses receive wages subject to withholding and select the automatic method, they
Line 2 - Married couples are entitled to only one personal exemption, therefore, each spouse
must choose which of the spouses will select the optional standard deduction in order to determine
cannot claim the complete personal exemption. If you are a married person, and both spouses
the number of allowances. Nevertheless, if the married couple file a joint return and elected the
receive wages subject to withholding of income tax at source, both of you should agree on how
optional computation of tax, when determining the number of allowance based on deductions,
to claim the personal exemption and shall mark the corresponding column. If the married couple
each spouse will claim the standard deduction provided in Section 1023(aa)(1)(D) of the Code,
determine that only one of them will request the complete personal exemption, such spouse shall
that is, $1,575.
mark the column titled “Complete”. In such case, the other spouse shall mark the column titled
“None”. If you agreed with your spouse to divide the personal exemption in half, indicate so
Under the optional method, the number of allowances shall be determined as follows:
marking the column titled “Half”. If you do not want to claim the personal exemption, mark the
column titled “None”.
The total of itemized and additional deductions which you estimate you are entitled to claim
will be divided by $500. The estimate of the deductions shall be made in form “Determination
Line 3 - As in the case of a single person, a head of household has two alternatives: claim
of Allowance Based on Deductions under the Optional Method” (Form 499 R-4B), which
the complete personal exemption or claim no personal exemption at all.
shall be filed with your employer.
Any fraction obtained as a result of this calculation in excess of 50%, shall be considered
as an additional allowance.
Indicate the number of dependents claimed. It shall be the same as the number that you will
claim as dependents in your income tax return.
In the case of a married person living with spouse, where both elect the optional method,
they are entitled to determine the allowances based on their combined salaries and deductions.
In the case of an employee who elected the optional computation of tax, the exemption
They may divide the total allowances based on complete allowances. However, any
for dependents will be 50% of the total amount provided in Section 1025 of the Code, since
allowance claimed by one spouse, cannot be claimed by the other spouse.
in such cases each spouse is entitled to claim only half of the exemption for dependents, as
Nevertheless, if the married couple file a joint return, elect the optional computation of
provided in Section 1011(d) of the Code.
tax, and use this optional method to determine the allowance based on deductions, the
number of allowances shall be determined by dividing the deductions among the spouses,
The Code provides that every employer who receives an exemption certificate from an
as provided by Section 1011(d) of the Code. That is, the itemized deductions shall be
employee in which the number of dependents claimed exceeds 8, shall submit a copy
attributed to each spouse on a 50% basis of the total, and the additional deductions shall be
of such certificate to the Secretary of the Treasury, as well as a copy of any written
allowed to the spouse to whom they individually correspond, to the extent and subject to the
statement received from the employee to support the information contained in the certificate.
provisions of subsection (bb) of Section 1023 of the Code.
You are entitled to certain allowances based on deductions which your employer shall
consider to determine the amount of income tax to be withheld.
lf the employer uses the withholding Wage Bracket Method, the number of allowances
based on deductions under both the automatic or optional method, shall be determined by
The following two methods are provided in order to determine the number of allowances:
dividing the deductions by $2,500. For this purpose, only integer multiples of $2,500, and
(1) automatic method
not the resulting fractions, will be considered.
(2) optional method
Under the automatic method, the number of allowances is determined as follows:
For taxable years commencing after December 31, 2007, Section 1011(d) of the Code
(1) If you are a private business employee, your employer will divide the amount of the
provides an optional computation of tax in the case of married individuals living together,
optional standard deduction to which you are entitled by $500.
filing a joint return and both working. An employee who elects to determine his/her tax using
this computation, shall notify the same to his/her employer by checking the box provided in
(2) If you are a governmental employee, your employer shall consider the governmental
this part.
pension or retirement plan to which you make contributions, if any: